Queens And Dragons (Chapter 5)

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Yn pov

Four days later

After an incident that shall not be named, Nika is now lactating and now I have to help her relieve the pressure every now and then. I don't mind though, slowly I got out of Nika's bed and made my way to the kitchen I had woken up before her it was around four in the morning so I decided to make breakfast two hours later Nika came downstairs and greeted me with a yawn.

Yn: morin

Nika: good morning, what are you cooking

Yn: bacon and eggs if there's one thing I'll thank my parents for it's forcing me to cook for them

I was going to say something else when there were three loud knocks at the front door walking out of the kitchen and walking up to the front door I opened it to a tall anthro fox in a suit

Yn: umm hello is there-

???: by order of the queen you are to come to the palace by noon with all your gear and weapons due try to not be late

Then he turned around and walked off to a black SUV that was in the driveway closing the door I turn to look at Nika

Yn: you never told me that your government was a monarchy

Nika: to be honest I forgot to tell you. Now we got to get you ready to meet the queens

Time skip

It took us nearly an hour to get to the palace but it was a sight to see the walls looked like they were made of white marble with stained glass windows that shined like diamonds it was also as tall as a skyscraper and I swear I saw gold outlining the windows there was also giant wall surrounding the palace with only a single gate. After we parked, we had to walk through a large garden until we reached the doors where the same fox that had told us to come there was standing.

???: I'm sorry Ms. Nika, but you can not enter, the queen wishes to speak to Yn alone

Nika tried to protest but I stopped her and told her that "it's all right" I then walked through the doors and entered a long corridor with guards lined up on either side of the corridor all of them wearing suits and sunglasses the type you'd see in Men In Black at the end of the corridor there were two thrones with a purple mass sitting on one. I walked down the corridor getting closer to the purple mass till I could make out what it was.

" holy shit she's fucking long" was all could think of as I approached the naga she had to be at least 40 feet long

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" holy shit she's fucking long" was all could think of as I approached the naga she had to be at least 40 feet long. As I stood in front of her she gave me a long thoughtful stare before speaking.

???: alright I'm not going to waste your or my time so I'll get straight to the point I need you to save someone from terrorists

Yn: hmm hostage rescue. Who am I saving

???: it's on a need to know bases and right now you don't need to know but I can promise you, some rewards~ if you bring them back unharmed

Yn: who's coming with me

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