Hell Is Real? (chapter 7)

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Yn pov

one night later

I awoke with a groan. I tried to get up but couldn't, looking down I saw
Mariea's shirtless body was beneath me tightly hugging me. Now blushing I tried waking her up.

Yn: Mariea wake up, please. Wake up!

she jolted awake, causing us to fall off the couch we were on

Mariea: ow, morning Yn

I was about to say something when I realized we were in a house I didn't recognize

Yn: uh morning Mariea where are we

Mariea: don't you remember Mako drove to his house where you, me, and he had some special brownies

Yn: what was in those brownies

Mariea: weed didn't Mako tell you

I just shook my head no while I stood up only then realizing I had no pants just boxers

Yn: AH! Where the fuck are my pants!

I then franticly scanned the room eventually finding them next to the front door after putting them on I asked Mariea some questions

Yn: why the hell did I have no pants on Mariea

Mariea: we played a 21 last night instead of playing with money we played with clothes on our backs by the way you and Mako have the worst luck

Yn: why

she pointed to another couch where I saw Mako passed out with no clothes with morning wood I then quickly looked away not wanting to stare

Yn: well I'm gonna call up Nika and hope she doesn't rip my head off also can you wake up Mako so he can get some clothes on

I then went searching for my phone and once I found it I called Nika who immediately and understandably began yelling at me

Nika: where the fuck are you and why haven't you been- you know what never mind just get your ass to school while you still have time!

she hung up I then quickly got all my clothes and started getting dressed hoping that Mako was awake

Time skip

I was in Ms. Rena's class dreading what was going to happen when class ended and I had to hop into Nikas car I think Ms. Rena could tell that I was nervous because she kept asking if I was okay to which I responded with "yeah I'm fine" after the third time she asked me if I was okay Mako started talking

Mako: I'm sorry Yn for not telling you what was in those brownies I genuinely thought you what I meant by "special"

Yn: it's okay I should have known better and asked you what you meant by "special brownies"

right when we were done talking class ended I then started to walk outside where I saw Keegan and Nika in her car I made the walk of shame to the car once I got in Keegan put on some headphones while Nika yelled and lectured me for a solid minute before she calmed down with a sigh

Nika: look I'm sorry for yelling but you scared the ever-living shit out of me Yn

Yn: I'm sorry Nika

Nika: it's fine I'm just glad you're okay

After a long car ride and catching up with Keegan, we made it home where everyone started doing their own thing, Keegan started cleaning his rifle, Nika was doing something on her computer and Berry was taking a nap after doing nothing for a while I walked up to Nika

Yn: hey Nika is it alright if I go camping in the nearby woods for a few days

Nika: fine but you have to be home by tomorrow since it's your birthday

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