Welcome To Hell(chapter 8)

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Y/n pov

"huh imp City never heard of it," I said as I slowly got up with a groan "Woah take it easy I'm not a doctor but I know when someone looks like shit," Scarlet said while grabbing my arm to support me I could feel the fabric of her clothes it felt like silk or something akin to satin sheets "I'm fine just dazed," I said as she helped me over to a wall to support so I could stand I then saw Scarlet's eyes widen before she looked me in the eyes "sorry" she then ran off as I was shoved to the ground and a foot was placed on my chest making it hard to breathe as someone rummaged through my pockets pulling something out before standing.

"huh imp City never heard of it," I said as I slowly got up with a groan "Woah take it easy I'm not a doctor but I know when someone looks like shit," Scarlet said while grabbing my arm to support me I could feel the fabric of her clothes it felt ...

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My attention almost immediately shifted to the left to the wolf I recognized who was enjoying my suffering "Loona it's me Y/n for fucks sake get you're friend off me" I said gasping for air as she pulled her friend off me "How the fuck are you here" I heard Loona say as I sat up. I rubbed my chest I knew I had a few bruised ribs "I walked into a portal passed out and woke up here in this shit hole" I said as she started cursing someone named Blitzo "Um who's you're friend Loona" I asked trying to diffuse the situation.

She sighed before patting the lizard's shoulder. "This is Medivh, my best friend with benefits. Medivh, this is Y/n that person I told you about, " Loona said to me and Medivh. I watched as Medivh kneeled next to me "Hey I'm sorry if I hurt you any friend of Loona is a friend of mine as well" she said as she felt my chest for any oddities making me wince in pain, she quickly pulled her hands away "he's got some bruised ribs but he'll be fine we should take him to your house since you got better medical supplies than I do" Medivh said to Loona as she picked me up like I was piece of paper as she carried me bridal style to Loona's home.

Time skip

Medivh laid me down in Loona's bed they had stripped me of everything but my pants and wrapped my chest in bandages to help with the pain and stop me from accidentally hurting myself. After a while, Loona walked in to check on me "Hey you feeling better" she said sitting next to me in bed "Yeah even though I should still be in a shit ton of pain" I said turning to look at her "Yeah down here a lot of weird shit happens" she said patting my shoulder "anyways mind telling me how Nika turned into a milk fountain" she said almost teasingly.

I sat up in shock "Okay how the fuck do you know Nika is lactating the only people she told was me and Cynder" I say shocked at her bluntnesses "Well Cynder told me now spill" shesaid as I sighed "Fine, one day Nika was working on her motorcycle when she asked me to make her some lemonade it was the powder lemonade you stir in the water. So after I put the powder in the water, I put the package away since it still had stuff in it, but as I was putting it away, I got a notification on my phone. Now, also in the cabinet was an old gag gift from Cynder. Are you following? " I ask Loona as I cross my arms.

"Yeah, of course," she said "Okay well this gag gift was a tasteless, very powerful lactation-inducing powder said to make a woman lactate gallons of milk in a day. Now, as I checked my phone, I had knocked over the container holding the powder and didn't notice as almost all of this container poured into the cup. I didn't look at the cabinet as I closed it and stirred the drink, still looking at my phone and well I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next." I said as Loona was laughing her ass off.

Loona, after a minute of laughing, calmed down. "Well, that made my day. Did you ever apologize to Nika?" She said a little more seriously. I wasn't quick to respond. "Um yeah, I did in more ways than one," Loona started laughing again, griping my shoulder for support. "You fucken milk her," she laughed out as I blushed "Yes once a week," I said my voice barely above a whisper.

Loona seemed to notice how embarrassed I was about it and moved closer to me, patting my back "Hey it's nothing to be ashamed about you're just helping her," she said, rubbing my back in gentle circles "I know but-" she was quick to cut me off "don't overthink it cause when overthink it that's when it becomes awkward besides your not doing it sexually so it's fine" she said firmly before standing up and stretching.

I tried to say something, but she cut me off. "Look, I can see this is bothering you, so who about this go wash up, then you can sleep with me and Medivh." Her voice was soft and gentle "But-" I tried to speak, but she cut me off again."I left some clothes in the bathroom, an old shirt and shorts I don't wear anymore they might be a little tight." I tried to protest as she brought me to my feet, pushed me into the bathroom, and closed the door once I was inside, making me curse.

I quickly took a shower feeling less tense and relaxed after putting on the shirt and shorts Loona had left me, and she wasn't kidding. The shorts were practically skin-tight, and I was skinny while the shirt was baggy. I walk back to the room to Loona and Medivh, lying in bed

I tried to get in bed in a certain way to give us some distance, but Medivh was quick to pull me on top of her, the back of my head resting on her breasts

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I tried to get in bed in a certain way to give us some distance, but Medivh was quick to pull me on top of her, the back of my head resting on her breasts. I didn't blush, though following Loonas advice, I didn't think about it. Medivh began to pet my head gently while using her claws to softly scratch the back of my neck, making me breathe a relaxed sigh. Beginning to fall asleep, I heard both the women and giggle and say something about me being cute, which is bullshit but I didn't say anything as I peacefully fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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