Meeting The family(Chapter 6)

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Yn pov

Once I got off Berry she asked Nika if she could talk to me alone of course Nika said sure without a second thought and left the room. I turned to look at Berry to say I am sorry for sleeping on her but I was met with a weird stare

My: umm Berry you okay

Berry: there's something I want to taste~

Yn: an-and what do you want t-taste

Berry then used her head to push me to the ground

(vore warning)

Before I had time to react Berry had grown a few feet and put the lower half of my body in her mouth, I tried to say something but she started licking my inner thighs shutting me up real quick. after a minute she spitted me out

Berry: you taste delicious I think I might give the full tour of my body~

Yn: Berry c-can you, please slow down and explain-

Berry: just relax~

She then put me back in her mouth not stopping with the lower part of my body. In a few seconds, I was laying down on her tongue which kept moving under me she then lifted her head causing me to slip down her throat. Once I reached her stomach I noticed it was comfy like being in a slimy warm sleeping bag then everything shifted I guessed that Berry turned to lay on her back

Berry: comfortable~

I blushed a little I wanted to lie but she'd probably figure out that I was lying due to the fact I wasn't struggling.

Yn: y-yeah

I then heard what sounded like Nika telling Berry to hurry up

Berry: I'd love to keep you in there for a while but Nika wants you out

I thought I was going to get out through the throat but Berry had other plans as I got sucked deeper into her. After a few minutes of traveling through her intestine, I finally came out before Berry pushed me back in she repeated this several times before I heard a loud moaning sound and then I was allowed out. Once I was out and standing I notice there was a large puddle underneath Berry that I was partially standing in

(vore end)

Yn: umm Berry you okay

Berry(panting): yeah fair warning though I'm going to be eating you a lot in the future or putting you in certain places

I didn't even say anything after she said that I got a huge blush and walked out but before I left she licked my cheek I guess it was a feral's version of a kiss. Once I left the room I saw Nika standing there waiting for me

Nika: she ate you didn't she

Yn: yeah how did you know

Nika: your covered saliva

I just blushed and told her was going to take a shower before we leave

Time skip to Nik's house

We pull up to Nik's house which was a one-story building with what looked like a fairly large backyard. Nika and I got out of the car and walked up to the just before I could knock Nika stopped me

Nika: Yn before we go inside you need to know that your grandmother is here

Yn: oh cool

Nika: no not cool your grandmother is... (sigh) There is no better way to describe her other than she is a slut who regularly sells her body

Yn: oh

Nika: just try to ignore her advances on you okay

Yn: okay

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