Chapter 6

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

Alec finds his siblings in the OPs Center. "Alright, so we don't have clearance with the Clave to pursue this unknown girl."

Jace scowls while Izzy isn't too surprised.

"What did you tell them?" She asked her brother as clearly Alec gave off more than what was needed.

Alec catches on with her accusing tone and rolls his eyes. "I told them everything. About the little girl and that a Mikaelson is in her sector. They want us hands off on Klaudia and her hybrids unless they wish to bring discord among the Downworlders and institute if Klauda decided she will come at us not directly but indirectly, stirring issues with the Downworlder that will trail back to us taking the heat."

"Are they that scared? I mean I know she is said to be very powerful and hard to kill, but they are just gonna bend down and play good doggies to Klaudia Mikaelson?"

"Careful Jace on how you speak to about the Clave." Alec sternly said. "Don't ever try to say that if we were in Alicante. The Council would not appreciate you saying those words to their faces."

Jace pinches the bridge of his nose and then swept a hand through his hair. "Excuse me for my language. But do I need to remind you that the girl is one of us and she crosses paths with an Original? Doesn't that set off any alarms in you?"

"The only alarms set off in Alec is anyone not abiding the rules." Izzy quips with a teasing grin. She then sighed. "I guess we can't do much. Maybe monitor the girl and see what is her status at the moment."

"Perhaps that will get Jace off from breathing down my neck all for some girl in Brooklyn, which by the way I hate Brooklyn."

"Don't be such a snob." Jace said. "Lets see if we can capture anything on the surveillance on traffic cams."

The three look up on the monitor screen they pulled up of Brooklyn's traffic cameras. So far they saw nothing of the girl when on the screen they spotted Clary, though she was not alone.

They see two adults. One older woman that could pass off as an older version of Clary and the other an African American man. The fourth however made them stiffen. Klaudia Mikaelson is with them. They watched several individuals, all whom the three Shadowhunters recognized were hybrids they encountered as Klaudia's hotel room were getting inside a van while Klaudia, Clary, Jocelyn, and Luke get in a separate car owned by Luke.

"Still think there is no pattern Alec?" Jace mutters with narrow eyes of suspicion.

Alec's expression is unreadable. He looks at his Parabatai and sees the gears shifting inside his head. "Absolutely not."

"Don't you wanna know Klaudia is planning without unknown Shadowhunter girl?" Jace points out.

Alec shook his head. "How about you want to find out on getting torn from limb if you try to test Klaudia or her hybrids? Besides, Klaudia is not bound by the Covenant or Accords. So long as she is not causing trouble in the Shadow World were are not permitted to act."

"But she is involved with someone who is like us." Jace goes to the weapons room.

"You don't even know if she is one of us!" Alec exasperated. He burrows his glare into the back of Jace's head. "By the angel Jace! We don't have clearance. We can get in trouble."

Jace turns with his trademark smirk. "Then I guess we oughta make this a covert mission and stay in the shadows." He goes to grab his Shadowhunter gear. "You coming."

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