And Again

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I was ecstatic when I saw the day. I had escaped the permanent Tuesday with ease. All I had left was to enjoy the rest of the culture festival. Wednesday was my free day: our class had three rotating groups to work so no one got burned out or missed the festival completely. I quickly threw on my uniform and left to meet Chika.

The first thing to greet me as I opened the door was a strong gust of wind. I would have thought it was Nina if not for the fact that the wind had not died down after it had passed. My hair went wild before I could turn back and grab one of Yui's hair ties. With my white mop in the smallest and messiest ponytail imaginable, I set off again.

She stood waiting for me, holding her hair back and her skirt down. As I quickly walked up to her, she gave me a smile. Conversation was short as we almost raced to the school. The construction from the day before had continued and moved further down the street; the shop keep was on the phone once again. Outside the school, students were scrambling to keep their stands and decorations from flying away.

Chika and I laughed to each other thankful that our project was completely indoors. Her pure laughter filled my ears and my soul. A full and genuine smile covered my face: she was alive, and I was able to protect her.

We made it to the classroom just to check in. It was just as lively as the day before, and Denki quickly rushed the two of us to shoo us out before we got dragged back in and lost our free day. As we got ushered out, I caught a glimpse of Yui and the Vice President seated at a table with tea and a slice of cake for each of them. I was unsure if she saw me, but as I hit the threshold, I felt eyes piercing me.

I spun around as everything around us stood still. She held her cup of tea to her lips. Her head was tilted down, but her eyes were looking off towards the door. Her masquerade of elegance was in full effect, but she could never hide who she was from me. I refused to believe she was the creeping danger, but she might actually have been the reason for the feeling of being watched.

There's just no way. She's a creepy bro-con, nothing more... a creepy bro-con with a meta ability...

I reunited with Chika, and the two of us started off to find what to do first. Class 2B was hosting a scavenger hunt across the campus, and since they were only a single floor up, we decided to go check it out. The halls were teeming with life. Students in modified uniforms handed out flyers for their class's or club's activities. Others dressed as mascots waving signs or acting as the signs themselves.

We made it to Class 2B and were greeted by two students in colorful patchwork suits. A deep purple mixed with a vibrant gold and wild green as the three colors danced across their vests and pants all while their white undershirts tried desperately to provide a balance between them. The colors had even raced to their faces and took the shapes of stars and swirls.

"Welcome welcome!" They chanted in unison as they sort of bounced from side to side. "Come in, join the party! One, two. Do as we do! Three, four. Step through the door!" They called us through the doorway and led us to the table just inside. "Five, six. Take some sticks!"

The "sticks" were a bundle of wooden chopsticks with meticulously written clues in as few words as humanly possible. The sticks would serve as the only guide that we would get.

"Seven, eight. Make it great!" They continued as they spun around us and drew us back out of the classroom. "Nine, ten. We'll see you again!" With that, they spun around each other and continued dancing as they had when we walked up.

"What now?" Chika asked in a complete daze.

"Well," I said pulling out the sticks. "I guess we try to figure out what these lead to and go get whatever we need from there."

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