The Forgotten

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     What the hell is happening? First Yui now Denki and Chika? Have they really forgotten me? Their faces are the same as hers... they genuinely have no idea who I am.

     What the hell do I do? Try to play it off? Try to make them remember? What's even making them forget? I have no information on what's going on; I need to get out of this situation and figure it out!

     "Oh?" I squinted at the two of them. "I'm so sorry! I ran out and forgot my glasses and ended up mistaking you for someone else!"

     I quickly bowed and ran off towards the school after my best attempt at an escape. I slowed down to a walk once I got out of sight of them. Trying to tail them would only raise Denki's suspicions and could lead to a fight which is the last thing I needed. I would have to find out more once we all get to school.

     The behemoth of a school building seemed more daunting as I approached it that morning. All around me were familiar faces having countless conversations. Their faces seemed to blend together and lose all sense of individualism the longer I lingered in the courtyard. All the while, no one recognized me or even noticed that I was standing there. I quickly grabbed my destination from the upperclassmen bulletin board; I was bound for Class 2-B.

     A couple of people bumped into me as I made my way back through the courtyard and inside the school. Given the extremely crowded nature of the first day of school, I thought next to nothing of it. However, then someone tripped over me when I was switching my shoes at the shoe locker.

     It's like I don't even exist... what is this?

     I walked through the school having to avoid most people since they had no inclination to do the same for me. Once inside my class room on the second floor, I found my spot on the seating chart — in the back left corner of the class. I got to my seat and sat down with next to no one even noticing me. In front of me would be one Kensei Rito, and an empty desk sat beside me.

     Rito walked in with his bag slung over his shoulder and walked to his new desk. Our eyes locked, but he said nothing besides "Good morning," before sitting down. He had no idea who I was either... Shortly before class began, Denki and Chika walked in along with a girl who was previously in Class C. Kaori never walked into Class B. As homeroom started, Ms Kimura stood in front of our class once again.

     "Welcome back, Class 2-B," she started. "Like I told you at the beginning of last year, I am your homeroom teacher, Ms Kimura. We had a few last-second changes to the roster which is why Kirishima Rika will be joining us instead of Hojo Kaori. Also, we have a new student transferring in today, you may enter," she called to the door.

     As it opened, my eyes grew in shock as subtle gasps of awe filled the room. Angelica Grey walked in with her new stoic yet still proud face. Her bright blonde hair was wound into a long braid that hung over her shoulder while the remnant bangs were perfectly done and fell beside her face. Her blue eyes seemed to shine even brighter than any previous time that I had seen them. She stood before the class in a Toriyama High School uniform, and I struggled to keep up with what was happening.

     "Good morning to you all," she began. "My name is Angelica Grey, I hope we can get along and have a good school year together." She respectfully bowed and made her way to the empty desk right beside me before sitting down without another word.

     "Now," Ms Kimura continued. "Attendance time, we'll do this once since you have assigned seats. Akido?"

          What the living hell is happening? There's no way Makarov let her go! This has to be some sort of trap... What the hell are you planning?

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