Let the Games Begin

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This can't be the mystery event. If I remember right, it's supposed to be a type of scavenger hunt this year. What's with this rumbling too?

More importantly, why can't I activate my ability? A fluke? Damien? Principal Kushida? What the hell is happening?

I tried again with success. A fourth rumble was just starting, and it was far more intense than the previous ones. Our group remained perfectly still as they started to try to keep their balance. I held Chika in my arms and ran to an exit. Once she was on a patch of grass deep into one of the parking lots, I ran back for the others.

It almost felt selfish, but even with my level of control, it would be extremely difficult or nearly impossible to get everyone out. I swooped up Hiro and threw him on of my shoulders before doing the same to Kaori. My training definitely has paid off since they both seemed extremely light. The third trip, I pulled out Rito and Ino and struggled with a Fujiwara as the third. After navigating the frozen sea of people again, I turned back for one more person: my sister.

People were visibly scared as I passed by them, even faculty members from the schools and event staff. They would have been the first ones clued in to the mystery event and what it entailed; whatever was happening was outside of all of this. I picked up the pace as I ran to the football field. As I broke through one of the bulk wards surrounding the stadium, I saw a large group of people standing in the middle of the field. As I got closer, I saw three outliers standing opposed to all of them.

One was lighter skinned than the other two. She had long jet black hair that seemed to flow unnaturally. The second was a darker man with almost white hair and sunglasses. He stood in the middle and seemed to be the one in charge as best as I could tell. The third made me stop cold in my tracks: it was the geo meta that Kawasaki had brought that day.

I knew he hadn't died then, but he shouldn't be able to move around — the concrete surrounding his body couldn't have protected his nervous system from all that electricity. All the same, he stood to the left of the blond in the middle. He seemed to tower even higher now. I took another look around and saw a gaping hole in the side of the stadium where he had presumably charged through. People were starting to climb through, armed and dangerous people.

Even dead, Kawasaki is proving to be just as much of a menace as before. Why are they here? There's no way they could be after us, is there?

I continued to the crowd that still stood perfectly still. I found my sister and the vice president and threw each of them on my shoulders before turning and running back to where I had left the others. Finally, I made it back to Denki, Nina, and Natsu. After a few moments of regulating my breathing, everything began to move again.

"Kazuma, what's — ahh," Denki sighed in relief. "'Get everyone out' was probably your first priority."

"Something's wrong here," I said in a quiet voice. The four of us huddled as the crowds around us swarmed. "This isn't the mystery event. We need to get everyone out because something's happening on the football field."

"Easier said than done," Nina replied. "This stadium is packed with people. How do we get —"


The swarm grew more restless, but found a direction to point their feelings in. The fire alarm was blaring over all the noise that anyone was making. I looked over to Natsu who had a proud smirk on his face.

"It's been too long since I've done that," he chuckled.

"That's one way to get people out," I remarked. "Now comes the tricky part."

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