You shattered me.

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We meet eye, to eye, like nothing happened last year. Its honestly embarrassing. We used to be something, and something special.. I just hate thinking about what happened. I feel as if a sharp knife runs through my body. And it feels very douloureuse, (painful) . How can they forget? really? That one night, i won't forget. Our faces had collided, i had major shivers. Both of our cheeks rosey red, and finally, we embrassée. (kissed). First love, First kiss, I was lovestruck by cupid, or the devil in disgiuse. Ever since, i've been so deeply saddened by their tricks. And sure, first love is almost never true, and we were young, but i hope they feel the same way i do. They made me feel like im sitting in a pit of fire. Moving on so quick, with someone who dosen't like you? Who cheated and lied, played you like the flute. But of course, you weren't the right tune for her. Her, being Serendy. Every girl wants to be her, and guys want her. Hell, even girls want her! I don't see what they think about Serendy. She is a player, and a total confrère. (brotherfxcker). I know it's rude, but am I really in the wrong? I have to see her for the next two months until school ends, and then I can finally not be so insécurité (insecure) about what they think of me, what I wear, my humor, my friends, than make me think their opinion is the only thing that matters, and thats how I should live out my life. And yes, They do have a name. Their name, their name is Eden. I have been with them from the start. Even since we met, i've only thought of us as friends. Apparently, someone else's opinion on you can change how you think of them. Eden had done that to me. And it hurts.

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