What could go wrong?

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Lets go back to the very start.

Over summer break, I had met my ex-bestfriend.
We met at the park. I saw her, she looked so cool! How could I get her attention? I'm socially awkward, so I did the most stupid thing I could of done in that position. I chased some birds, and yellled, "COME BACK!!!" I heard laughs. Not the bad ones, like i'm used to. 'You know the birds are going to fly away when you get like 3 feet away, right?" While running towards the black, large birds. "I'M A BIRD WISPERER SHUT UP!" I yelled back while face planting into the ground. " I'm so stupid! Why would I do that!?" I think to myself. I hear her laughing from a distance, but coming to help me up anyways. We talked for a bit. "Hey, I never got your name, what is it?" She asked me. "Oh my name is Marie, yours?" I shot back. "Brianna." She said in response. "Oh and, do you have snap? I can add you." She added on. " I do! Let me add you." We got that over with, and we chatted more when I got home. Thats when I knew it, we would be bestfriends. Time skip, 2 months later, summer break ended. I had to transfer to a new school due to me getting bullied and not liking the my old school in general. I know two people here, Nylah, and Leo. Fun fact, Leo tried to kill me, more than once. But that isn't the point. The real point is when Leo introduced me to Eden. A great day, I thought. I was tricked into falling into Edens arms. How could I be so stupid? I needed to come out of my shell anyways, so I fell.

Right into their fucking trap.

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