21st August

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Molly's POV
21st August
11 Days Till Due Date

"Babe!" I Shouted excitedly to Harry.

"YEAH?" He replied from upstairs, he probably assumes I've gone into labour or something.

"El gave birth! Mia Charlotte Tomlinson, 9 pounds 2 ounces" I squealed excitedly running (Waddling) around for the keys completely in awe and wanting to visit the new little baby right now,

"Looking for these?" Chuckled Harry holding up the keys as he walked to the car with me. He hopped in the drivers side and i squished into the passengers side, cradling my bump as i did.

He drove at a quick pace due to the minimal traffic which i was very thankful for, i received another text from Lou telling me what room they were in and what floor.

We arrived at London Hospital in no time and not surprisingly there was about a million photographers outside. Harry passed my my ray bans and he protectively walked me over to the entrance which was covered with security.

"Eleonor Calder, Room 143" I said to the women behind the front desk, her name tag told me she was called Linda and i didn't recognise her despite being in the maternity ward every few days.

"Okay, you can go up then" She said and diverted her attention back to her paper work. Myself and Harry went up the stairs up to the maternity ward and then to Eleanor's private room.

Inside was Eleanor resting on the bed, a pink bundled baby in her arms. Liam, Sofia and Niall's girlfriend Lilly were all in the room but Louis wasn't there as he had gone home to pick up some things El had forgot.

"Congrats babe" I said giving her a hug when we entered the room, Harry also gave her a hug and sat next to Niall as El passed baby Mia over to me.

"She's adorable El, well done" I whispered as i cradled little baby Mia Charlotte Tomlinson in my arms.

I just couldn't wait to have the Styles baby here as well.

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