life and death..

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Twin's pov,

We were supposed to hang out with Y/N today because it's our one year of friendship anniversary but she never showed up.. we waited for hours.. that was until one of the maids walked in with a sad face "Master Hikaru and Master Kaoru... Miss L/N and her family got into a terrible accident… I'm sorry to tell you masters..." She walks out the door and closes it. I grab Hikaru/Kaoru's hand. I could feel and see him shaking as well, I could feel the gate between us and everyone closing as the key to our world slips away and the gate chaining itself up..

Hikaru's pov,

'Is she really hurt or dead...' I can feel Kaoru shaking with his wobbly legs, mine were doing the same thing but I was the first one to drop down crying into the floor..

Yazuha Hitachiin (twins mom) pov,

As I walk to the boys room to tell them the fate of their beloved friend I can hear loud crying coming from their room 'someone has already told them...' I sigh and open there door to see them huddled together on the ground, the floor littered with multiple small puddles of tears all in front of the boys, I walk over to them and pull them into a hug they grip onto me  as if there life depends on it I take them over to there bed and pull back the covers before putting the boys in bed they were still crying but we're dozing off.

"I will tell you what has happened to your dear friend In the morning ok darlings?.." they nod and fall back into there pillows I walk out of the room and go to the play room and grab Y/N's plushy that she had left the last time she was here,

" they nod and fall back into there pillows I walk out of the room and go to the play room and grab Y/N's plushy that she had left the last time she was here,

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I brought it back to Hikaru and Kaoru's room and put it between their arms. They instantly wrapped their arms around it tightly, the poor darlings finally found a friend but they were taken away so soon I hope that Y/N is ok. I didn't care much for that brat S/N always leaving poor Y/N out of things even so I will miss dressing her up in pretty dresses. Hopefully S/N’s bad karma hasn't rubbed off on Y/N just because they are almost identical…

Y/N’s pov,

All I see is black... My head is pounding…. There is a beeping sound ringing in my ears.. The smell of hand sanitizer hits me… am I in the hospital… Where is mom.. The beeping gets louder.. Where is dad.. It gets louder again.. Where is..S/N.. the beeping is blaring in my ears now as rushed footsteps come closer and closer and muffled shouts from far away can be heard.. There was a slightly loud bang from a little ways away. I'm trying to open my eyes but it's not working.They are as heavy as bricks.

I hear frantic footsteps coming this way "Y/N my baby I'm here!" It was my mother a can feel my hand twitch as im trying to find her hand when she places her hand on mine the beeping slows down and goes back to being steady I feel my arms tingle as my fingers twitch again, mom flips my hand over and puts hers on top of mine, I finally have enough strength to grip her hand back "Y/N can you try waking up for me.."

Author's pov,

It took a long few minutes but Y/N did eventually wake up and getting crushed by her mother's deadly bear hug and questioning where her father and sister where she got the dreaded news "Your father and sister didn't make it through the crash.." she looked sadly at her now only daughter trying to keep her tears from spilling like a waterfall down her face,

Y/N stared blankly at her arms that were covered in bandages, one even had an IV going into her arm. While she stared blankly at her arms she remembered the twins popping into her head when she said ‘I want to live’ flipping her (right/left) hand over she looked at the elephant tattoo on the hand and cracking a small smile, M/N smiled ever so slightly knowing who her daughter was thinking of while looking at her hand.

Days passed…

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Days passed…
Your fathers company was passed onto your mother that would later be passed into you..
After the accident your mother didn't want you to live in a house with constant reminders of your loss so you moved in with your cousin and uncle..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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