Chapter 2

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Nick had thought about Mallory while he was walking back to where he was before she had come up to him. Her eyes were so beautiful, bright blue and sparkling like the sky above him. She wasn't that tall, maybe five-six, her hair was a beautiful shade of brown and it was long and wavy. Natural beauty. He didn't notice she had worn any make up either, so she truly was beautiful and her voice? That voice was truly amazing, made his heart melt listening to her sing.

He would do everything he can to help her make her dreams come true, she is one rare talent that the world needs to see. He walked to his car and took a drive into the country. It was late afternoon now and the sky was a colorful ray of pink, purple and orange. It was beautiful. He ended up out near an old oak tree on a bank of a small pond. He got out of his car and walked around just looking at nature all around him. His mind wandered to Mallory and wondered if she had a spot like this back home that she would go to to escape the world for a while.

He had no idea why he couldn't stop thinking about her, but his mind kept wandering to her, he was drawn to her and he had no idea why. He would do everything in his power to see her again and soon.

She seemed scared when he touched her when she walked away but maybe with time, she will learn to trust him, learn that he would never hurt her. He went back to his car after about an hour and went home. He walked into his house and to the kitchen to grab a beer. He opened it, took a drink and sat down at the bar looking at his email to listen to her song.

Her voice had filled the room and he couldn't help but smile and imagine her in the bathroom singing the song into a brush as his sister has done so many times growing up. He called his producer and asked him to come over, so he could play the song for him. About fifteen minutes later he showed up.

"Hey man can I get you anything to drink?"

"Yea scotch on the rocks please." Ryan said. He got a bottle out and put some ice in a glass and poured him a drink. He took a drink and sat the glass down.

"So, you said you had something for me to hear?"

"Yea. Listen to this woman's voice, man." He hit play and again Mallory's voice filled the room. Ryan sat there and listened to the song without saying a word, Nick watched his face looking for any reaction, but he just sat there listening. When it was over, he looked at him.

"Where did you find this?"

"Believe it or not, in town. I was standing on the sidewalk and she came up to me to introduce herself and we got to talking and she told me she came here to try to get into music, said she went to college for it and wanted to see where she could go. She said she had a song for someone to listen to and I asked her if I could hear it. She let me and I emailed it to me because I knew she had an amazing talent."

"You aren't lying. She is amazing. Get in touch with her and have her come to the company tomorrow around eleven, I want to meet this woman."

"Ok you got it. Thanks man, I appreciate it."

"Anytime you find a voice like that, let me know." He drank the rest of his drink. "I gotta get back, I have a meeting in a half an hour. We'll talk soon."

"Ok, have a good rest of the day." He left. Nick sent Mallory an email telling her about the meeting tomorrow.

Mallory' phone went off and she looked at the email that Nick sent her.

'Didn't take him long at all to get me to talk to someone. Quite impressive' she thought to herself. She sent an email back letting him know that she will be there also with her phone number and address as he asked for it.

She poured a glass of wine and went into her bathroom to draw a bath, she put on soft music, got undressed and put her wine on the small table next to the tub and got in. She sank into the warm water letting it sooth her skin. She closed her eyes relaxing, her mind relaxed along with her body.

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