Chapter 8

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Karl heads to his room thinking about last night with Mallory. 'I hated telling her that she had to leave her life behind, but I had no choice. I had to do the same when I got called here. It's part of the royal life. I'm sure once she gets a feel of the place and gets to know me she will see how important the ways of this life are. Last night was the first time in a long time that I held a woman in my arms and danced. Her voice though is truly angel like. When I heard her singing as I was walking the halls, my body stopped as if I didn't have a choice. Watching her sing, lost in herself like she didn't have a care in the world is what drew me in. The dancing and sleeping next to her was just magic' He thought to himself. He made his way to his room and got out a pair of dress pants and polo shirt. He gets a quick shower and gets dressed.

He put gel in his hair and a watch on. He sprayed his cologne on and put his shoes on and headed down to the dining room. He walked in and saw Mallory talking with Billy. He got this odd feeling when he saw her talking with him and he made his way to sit beside her.

"Good morning Princess." He takes her hand and kisses it.

"Good morning. Billy and I were just talking about palace life. Seems like a lot to take in all at once but exciting."

'She seems perfect. I hope she likes it here. I can see that she will be an amazing Princess' He thinks to himself.

"You'll get used to it. It'll become second nature." She smiles and takes a bite of her food. A plate is set in front of Karl.

"Thank you, David."

"You're welcome sir." They talk and eat. 'I love hearing Mallory laugh when I attempt to make a joke a few times.

"So, what's on the schedule for the day?" Karl asked David when he came back into the dining room.

"For you sir, you have a few meetings and calls to make and a meeting in the city. For the Princess, you have a few meetings as well with palace officials and we are going to start planning your announcement as Princess later in the week. You also have to take Princess lessons and dance lessons." She looks surprised.

"It's ok, I can help with the dance lessons." Karl tells her softly so only she hears him.

"Sounds like a plan."

"If you need any help with anything, feel free to ask and I will be happy to help."

"Thank you, Karl." She smiles and touches his hand, taking his breath away. 'What is with me?'

"My pleasure." He manages to say.

"Ok so shall we get on with it?" She asked as she stood up.

"Yes Princess." David said. Billy and Karl stand and bow as she leaves. When she's out of the room Billy turns to Karl.

"She sure is a hot piece, isn't she?"

"Excuse me?" "Mallory, can't wait to get a chance with her! She is hot!" Karl felt his blood start to boil.

"You will not touch a hair on her head! I hear you ever go near her in a way that is other than business, I swear I will hurt you." Karl says gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

"Bring it on boy. She is a big girl, she can make up her own mind about who goes to bed with her."

"Too late, I was already in bed with her last night." He looks at Karl with a shocked look. "You bastard." He puts his hand up as if he is going to punch Karl. Karl backs up and walks away.

"Leave the Princess alone Billy." He says and walks out. 'I can't believe that guy, if he goes near her I'll kill him'. He goes to find everyone he needs for the meeting and heads to the hall.

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