Chapter 7

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Around seven she wakes up and gets out of bed quietly, not wanting to wake Nick. She puts her robe on and goes to the bathroom. She washed up and headed down stairs and put on some coffee for Nick and made breakfast. She looked at her phone and notice an email from someone she doesn't know. She opens it and what she read has her almost drop her phone on the floor. There is a number that she must call. After the phone call, she starts to make a plate and head upstairs and wake Nick. He opens his eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful." He rubs his eyes and yawns.

"Good morning handsome. I made breakfast." She said and put the tray down on the nightstand and sat down beside him. They ate breakfast and talked about the future.

"Now I'm sure you want to take time to plan your dream wedding so anything you need just let me know and i'll help with it. I don't want to be one of those guys who has the bride plan it and have no say in the wedding. I want to do it right."

"Well you pretty much do everything right, so I don't see you failing at this. I can't wait to have you help with it. There is something important I need to discuss with you." She takes his hands and looks into his eyes.

"What is it?" She takes a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Ok so here goes, I'm not originally from the US."

"Ok...where are you from?"

"I'm from Sweden and that's not all," His eyes popped out of his head.

"What else?"

"Well see, my family comes from a long line of royalty. My great great grandmother came here to the US to be with her husband. My country has been without a ruler for a very long time."

"So, what does that have to do with you suddenly?"

"Well, I got an email last night and read it this morning. My country is in dire need of a lot of help and I'm to return right away to become a crown princess and take care of my people. And..."

"And what?!" He sorta shouted, making her jump a little.

"And, you can't come with me. I have to leave my life here behind me."

"NO! You can't just up and leave! We are having a baby and getting married Mallory! You can't just do that!" He said with tears falling from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I really am. I don't want to go. I don't want to be a freaking princess and leave my life, with you, behind. I'm so happy here and to just leave is not something I want to do but I have no choice."

"How do you even know that this is real?"

"There was a phone number in the email, I called and it's true. They know everything about my whole family and past."

"When do you have to leave?"

"Today. I have a flight booked I guess for noon."

"That's like a little over two hours from now."

"I know. I promise, as soon as I get there and figure things out, I will either come back for you or send for you to come there. I will not live without you in my life, I won't not be your wife. I will spend the rest of my life with you, I swear it to be true. This isn't goodbye Nick. it will never be good bye, I just need you to promise to trust me and to wait. I know it's selfish to ask but I love you. I want to be with you and only you." Tears are falling from their eyes as he takes her into his arms.

"It's not selfish. It's not like you knew this was going to happen. I just wish you would have told me the truth about who you really are."

"I know, and I will never keep anything from you again. I'm sorry." She said looking down. He put his hand on her chin and had her look up at him.

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