Episode 17

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***Just a small chapter

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***Just a small chapter. Sorry dears didn't get time to actually write. I really overwhelmed after seeing those comments on aksing me the update really happy. Happy reading❤️***

Arjun Pov:

"What are you thinking Arjun?" vinoth asked me.

"I never once treated her properly vinoth" I says while throwing the stones on the running water, as we both stopped on our way to digest whatever I heard about her.

"I never once tried to hear her side. "

"I never once behaved as her husband"

I laughed as soon as I uttered those sentences.

"Leave about been husband, I never once tried to behave as a human being with her."

"Dad is right Vinoth. Compared to her am nothing vinoth. When I grownup in a friendly environment. There she was trying to escape from physical abuse. When I was loving varshini, there she was trying to escape from Dhanraj inappropriate behaviour."

"After marriage she would have came to my home with lots of dreams right?. Dream to have a good life atleast thereafter. But what did I do?." I laughed.

"I behaved like a jerk. With just 2 months of her mother's death, I too showed her my hate. But the irony is she don't know why the fuck I hate her in first place. "

" What is the difference between myself and that Dhanraj, vinoth. Nothing. "

"Am not any different vinoth. Without knowing her mentality I spoked many things. Many horrible things, and the most cruel thing is I took her innocence when I was drunked. Which she has saved from that cruel man only to give Naah I taken from her which is nothing but a marital rape right?. And most importantly I even had the audicity to accuse her on had sex with me. Wow how much of an scoundrel I could be. "

" Why she didn't leaved me vinoth? "

" Why she didn't leaved me? "

" All I did shown is a hell to her. "

" Why she even put up with me for those 9 damn years. On our first night I spoked ugly words about her and pushed her to step on the glass pieces. Am no different that that sreesha right? "

" Am no different from them. "

" First I have to punish myself vinoth. Am not meant to be call as human being itself. " I frsutaredly says at him.

" Stop arjun, just make everything right atleast now. "vinoth syas by wrapping his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know how to make it right vinoth. For all those mistakes I can't even go and ask her to forgive me. No one will forgive too. "

I laughed.

My tears were falling down on its own.


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