To My Beloved, From Yours truly ॥

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Xie Lian erratically waved his arms trying to get their attention.

"But you're highness, he is a ghost king!!" Feng Xin's voice was high pitched, his almond eyes frantically trying to make sense.

I know... Xie Lian didn't mind that at all. In fact, he was very proud of Hua Cheng!

"I-I am not a little kid. I know what I am doing! And San Lang's not that bad-"

"That's it. You're under his spell." Mu Qing nodded, as though formed a conclusion which made sense.

Xie Lian sharply drew his breath in.

"Why else would you be so needy and clingy of him? Definitely under a spell...can't leave without..." Feng Xin muttered. He propped his chin on his hand.

Signing, Xie Lian rubbed his temples.

Suddenly, a voice beamed in their direction. "Ho ho, what are you lot screaming about?"

It was Pei Ming.


He instantly strode over to beside Feng Xin. He was a charming young man about 26 years old [ or a thousand more ] with an alluring curve on his lips and a proud demeanor. His lustrous black hair had been tied up with a silver crown and his perfectly trimmed eyebrows held a beautiful scar. His mischievous red eyes stole the hearts of many.

"General Pei!" Xie Lian said, happy to have a distraction. "What brings your lord here?"

"Ah, just sorting out issues in my palace. What is my lord panicking about?" His eyes twinkled mischievously and Xie Lian felt himself burning from the all-knowing smirk he gave him. Honestly, how did Pei Ming always manage to be in the midst of all... such matters?

"A-ahaha," Xie Lian gave a nervous laugh.

His loyal friends took this opportunity to pour their hearts out to general Pei. He was clearly enjoying this.

"Ho ho!" he said with mock seriousness. "Xie Lian does seem to be veryyy needy of lord Hua Cheng.." his voice seemed to be fishing out something... oh no.

"I - I - I..." Xie Lian stammered. What else could he say? Xie Lian was indeed needy and clingy of Hua Cheng. But.. but that doesn't mean he was being controlled! This sudden realization of the accusation tossed at Hua Cheng made something burn inside him. Rage.

"San Lang's not like that! He didn't even force me. He- he isn't petty!" Xie Lian declared. His heart beat with raging flames.

"Then prove it," Mu Qing suggested darkly.

Pei Ming softly cleared his throat and said, "If your highness doesn't mind.. I have a challenge - sort of - for you."

"What." If this was going to prove his beloved's innocence, he was ready to accept anything.

"Since you keep denying the apparent consideration of Hua Cheng having you under a spell, why don't you prove it by.. ignoring him?"

Even Feng Xin and Mu Qing seemed to have not expected that.

Seeing Xie Lian's state of loss of words, seemingly satisfied, Pei Mind stated, "If your highness losses this challenge, we will absolutely believe that you are, indeed, under an evil enchantement caused by the Ghost King.

"and you will not get the approval from my lords," he gestured towards Mu Qing and Feng Xin, who, by the way, seemed to be just as dazed with their mouths hung open as Xie Lian himself was.

Thus, the challenge began.

Author's note; Pei Ming has successfully persuaded, and is quite satisfied with the results. Oh, and his thirst for drama( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!

We love Pei Mind don't we?😩

Challenge- Xie Lian ignores Hua Cheng!Where stories live. Discover now