Arms Grasp The Air In Vain While The Eyes Look For Someone Else

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Disclaimer: ANGST!!!ಠ_ಠ

{ Xie Lian couldn't sleep, so he decided to oversee some issues regarding either things which troubled the Heavenly Realm or those Ling Wen requested him to.}

Hua Cheng stood at the entrance, unsure of what he ought to do. He had an horrible feeling down his gut, and all his thoughts screamed insecurity. He knew he didn't deserve Xie Lian - someone so noble, graceful and kind, he was afraid he would tarnish him. But his highness told him it was okay, that he himself wasn't perfect [ Hua Cheng didn't agree with the latter part }. He told him he wanted to be with him too, like a dream come true. He knew, or rather had a feeling, something so wonderful would not stay for long. But being with Ge- his highness filled him with hope. Hope of foreverness.

Was it possible that his highness didn't love him anymore?- His heart lurched - Who was he kidding? He was disfigured and ugly to the extent he hated himself.

He wouldn't blame him, afterall, it was his highness's decision whether to be with him or not. He noticed the slight twitch of Xie Lian's eyebrows, how his hands flew over the stock of scrolls, and the redness of his eyes. That particular twitch meant he was uncomfortable.

Does Gege feel uncomfortable with me?

He hesitantly shuffled toward Xie Lian - who by the way, suddenly seemed very interested in a bottle of ink - and embraced him from behind. It did not go unnoticed that his brow twitched again.

Is Gege mad at him?

"Gege.. are you feeling alright now?"

". . ."

"Is.. Is Gege mad at me? Did San Lang do something wrong?"

". . ."

Xie Lian continued going through the scrolls.

Hua Cheng tightened his grip around his waist and asked him again. He felt his heart break into pieces as Xie Lian remained expressionless.

His arms reluctantly let go as he turned away to leave. Just then, he felt a hand desperately clutch his left arm.

{Xie Lian's POV}

Xie Lian remembered the accusations against San Lang, and he swiftly withdrew his hand.

Rubbing them together, a habit he developed whenever he was nervous, he said solemnly, "I am...not...mad at anyone. Just..alone."

A shimmer of bright red robes fluttered at the entrance/exit { Pu Qi Shrine only had a single door }. Xie Lian side-glanced at the vanishing figure, something clawing over his heart.

Oh, how could San Lang possibly betray him? He cared so much for him. He would even die for him! It wasn't that he didn't believe in San Lang, rather he was resolute in proving San Lang innocent. True, San Lang had been known for having a bad reputation - plus, he was also a ghost king. Therefore, it wasn't a surprise that everyone feared him. However, it was because of this that he was so bent on showing the world out there his beloved's true nature.

Xie Lian knew he wouldn't be able change how the world viewed said someone; he personally experienced this. But that didn't mean he would let people stir up indecent rumors about his beloved. So he hardened his resolve, subconsciously glaring at the scrolls.

His mind did not oblige and his thoughts wandered to a certain someone. With red robes.

Author: HELLOOWW!! *throws confetti*

I have absolutely no idea what I wrote:D I should probably go to sleep but who cares? Let's hope our baby Xie Lian will hold on a little longer. If y'all want a certain scene included in this, feel free to request! I'll work some magiccc. {I will edit this chapter later, if that's alright with you guys(ノへ ̄、) So pretend you haven't noticed any grammar mistakes, 'k?}

Also, has any of you experienced this - LIKE it is the middle of the night and suddenly you feel this energy crackle through your body. And you wanna dance and write and sing and......

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