Separation Aches, Heart In Pain

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Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He was somehow manipulated into ignoring Hua Cheng, and if he didn't do it, he wouldn't be able to prove against the false accusations about San Lang and worse, somehow not getting Feng Xin and Mu Qing's approval told him he would've to be separated from his beloved - though he knew he wouldn't let that happen even if the world were to end. Soon the thoughts in his head seemed like a jumbled puzzle.

Oh boy. He dazedly walked toward his Pu Qi Shrine where he noticed a man clad in red watering an indescript bunch of white flowers.

He turned around and his aloof expression was replaced by a charming smile, his perfect brows arching. It added to his exceptionally handsome features and colored his ghastly pale skin.

"Gege, welcome back," he said, and his eyes turned mischievous all of a sudden and pouting, he mumbled, "San Lang has been quite lonely. I also practised my handwriting. Does Gege not think I deserve a reward, atleast?"

Xie Lian fought back the urge to chuckle and embrace the adorable pouting figure in front of him.

Seeing that Xie Lian hadn't responded, San Lang's expression immediately spilled concerned concerned concerned.

"Is Gege feeling okay?"

Xie Lian did not respond.

Hua Cheng immediately came over to his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Did something happen in the Upper Court?" Already his demeanor emitted murderous aura.

Xie Lian was beyond distressed. What could he do? If he didn't respond, San Lang would keep on persisting. Ignoring doesn't mean not giving vague response, right?


San Lang patiently listened.

"Alone...!" With that, Xie Lian ran inside, crashed on the mat, and pulled the blanket over him.

"Gege. Gege!" San Lang ran after him and swiftly came by his bedside. he crouched down, a hand over the blanketed figure. " What happened?! "

Ugh.. Xie Lian inwardly groaned. "Alone..." he repeated, hoping San Lang would get the hint and leave him alone - his chest hurt too much to ignore San Lang's alluring voice.

The hand on his head seemed to hover for a moment, before the presence completely disappeared.

Xie Lian peeked out of his blanket and groaned. I am so sorry San Lang..

To be continued..

p.s I've written three drafts in a single day. yay.

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