Chapter 1

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I'm Sammy, I'm 14 years old and I live in Brighton. Most of the people at my school are antisocial and just can't be bothered. No matter how many times I try to fit in it never seems to work. Anyways if I don't succeed I always have my best friend Alex. Alex is the only person I can talk to without feeling tense and uncomfortable. Whenever I talk to her before I say something I don't have to say to myself in my head 'is this going to embarrass me?!?!' Or 'is she going to hate me when I say this??'. I can just say blurt out crazy stuff and she won't care, that's how close we are. Alex is probably the closest person in my life. I'm not talking to my dad, I havent spoken to him for almost a year, and I always argue with my mum.

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