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As I race to the riverbank where it's popular to go swimming with Cass at my side, I skid to a stop on the mud when we reach the crowd of pups and I look around frantically for my own and Ruby.

"Dad!" yells Jackson as he pushes his way through the crowd and I yank him into my chest, instantly feeling relieved before I pull him back and look him over to make sure he's not hurt. "I'm ok, but they've taken Ruby."

My wolf's anger surge through me as my eye's flair silver. "Which way did they go?" I growl as Alpha Finn and a large troop of warrior's sprint to the riverbank to join us.

"Towards the south. You've gotta get her back, they've hurt her." Jackson chokes out as Finn comes to stand by me with his two daughters under his arms holding onto them tightly.

"Daddy, she saved me." Avery says looking up to Finn as the Alpha looks over his daughter bruised throat looking furious.

"Alpha, Gamma." Cass says flicking his head for us to follow him away from the pups to speak privately.

"We don't have time for another coffee date, Cass." I seethe. "We have to leave now if we're going stop them."

"Finn, your own daughter just got attacked because of this rogue. Maybe it's for the best if we just let her go." Cass says to us both making me snarl then fucking snap.

I land a huge punch to my brother's jaw and he goes down onto the floor, before his head snaps up to me growling whilst his eyes shine silver.

"Fuck you, Cassian!" I roar as everyone turns to watch us row.

My brother and I never fight like this, I'm not surprised we're getting stares.

"My job is to protect this pack and she is putting our wolves in danger. Finn, she's not even one of us, I say we cut her loose for good before she brings anymore trouble onto your land."

"I'm fucking ashamed to call you my brother right now." I spit out at Cass. He looks momentarily hurt before his face loses any emotions and he gets back onto his feet, ignores me and looks to Finn.

"Alpha, it's your call. Shall we follow or let her go." Beta Cass says firmly after making his view on this all-to-fucking-clear.

"I'm going after her." I growl.

"You will follow your fucking Alpha's commands, Gamma." My brother hisses.

"Enough." Alpha Finn growls as he stands with his hands on his hips and looks over his shoulder to where Avery is stood with a towel wrapped around her and I see his eyes shine gold.

Shit, he's going to cut Ruby loose, I start to panic, and my wolf starts to pace about in my head.

"Ruby saved my girl, as far as I'm concerned, she's now one of my pack. Beta, Gamma, take a team and go after her whilst I take my pups and Jackson back to the pack house." Alpha Finn says nodding to me as my shoulder sag with relief before he pats my brother on the back. "We don't leave wolves behind, if we do, we're no better than rogues ourselves."

I see my brothers' hands clench up as he tries not to lose his temper, before he nods to his Alpha but still looks pissed. As Finn turns to leave and starts to escort the pups away, I look to my brother.

"If you don't want to come, then don't, but I'm getting her back with or without your help."

"I have my Alpha's orders." Cass snaps back. "So, let's just get this fucking over with, brother."



Kicking a rogue hard in the face I try to wiggle myself free from the other asshole who has his arm around me as they try and force me into the back of a truck. Before I can get free, I'm zapped with another electrical taser and yell out with pain giving the pricks who have captured me enough time to manhandle me into the back of the trunk and handcuff me to a chain that's bolted to the inside of the trucks roof.

THE ROGUE FROM OBSIDIAN CITYWhere stories live. Discover now