The safe and the photo

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A month had passed and I have not been so into finding stuff about my dad. I have been more intetested in finding stuff about my mom and Caroline. All the dreams that I have neen having and my mom being so suspicious. I decided to not go to school today, I was going to take a me day. It was around 10:30 when I was in my room watching tv in my pajamas. I heard a noise come from my living room. I walked out of my room into my hallway, which leaded to my living room. I peaked into the room, and some guy was there he looked like the guy I had saw with my mom at the bank. He was wearing all black clothes and was carrying a huge gym bag. He some how got into my house and walked towards my living room, on the wall was a picture frame of a flower pot, he lifted the flower pot off of the wall and there was a safe behind it. He punched in a code, it opened and he put the gym bag inside. Then he put everything else back and left. But he dropped something, it looked like a photo, It was backwards and I picked it up. I couldn"t believe my eyes when I saw the picture it was a picture of my mom, my dad, me, and...Caroline....On the back of the photo it had numbers the numbers were 55678. That proves that me and Caroline are sisters...

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