[- The beginning -]

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[- Kamino, 22BBY -]

The Clone Army Of the republic was now fully ready for detachment and deployment, ever since Obiwan Kenobi paid a visit to Kamino, The clones were in excitement, and rumors about their first real deployment would spread like wildfire

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The Clone Army Of the republic was now fully ready for detachment and deployment, ever since Obiwan Kenobi paid a visit to Kamino, The clones were in excitement, and rumors about their first real deployment would spread like wildfire.

"I heard that he's a Jedi master! Is he going to be our general?"
CC-2224 asked his fellow squadmates, CC-7567, CC-1010, and CC-8256. 

"Well, that might be possible, since I've heard from the Kaminoians that the Clone Army was produced to serve the Jedi and the Republic." CC-1010 responded to the clone, The 4 of them were very much excited about the war, and so as the other clones in the facility. They always desired to get themselves to battle after all those years of training from the simulations.

"So, what Legion are we Commanding? I've always wanted a legion of my own! I heard that the kaminoians are assigning us to each legion they see fit for us." CC-8256 immediately bring up the Topic as CC-2224 and CC-1010, Also known by their nicknames: Cody and Fox, crossed their arms in curiosity while Rex just looked up, thinking.

"I'd love to be assigned to the 401st Security Garrison, I've always wanted to be a Law enforcer myself! Won't that be great?" CC-1010 Said in excitement.

"Nah, sounds boring and lame in my opinion, I'd rather be in the front lines than guarding duty"
Rex rolled his eyes in boredom as Cody and Silver nodded in agreement.

[- The Conversation would be cut short as the Alarm of the kaminoian Facility would go off, and Dozens of Clone troopers would scramble for their helmets and weapons -]

"All Clone Commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic, report at the F.O.B in 10 minutes. The rest of you, report for duty at the hangar immediately, our deployment would begin in 5 hours. Good luck." [- The kaminoian would announce through the Communication Links and radios -]

"Well, looks like we're going there." Rex puts on his Clone Commander helmet as the others did the same.
"This will be exciting!" Silver squeaked in uncontrollable joy and excitement
"Let's go, they're expecting us in 10 minutes." Fox claimed as he puts on his Kama and sunvisor.
"Yeah yeah Foxy boy, we know.." Cody said as he was the first one to rush off to the FOB.
"Ey! wait up!" Silver and Rex shouted as the duo tried to catch up with Fox and Cody (Who were already halfway through the FOB).

[- 10 Minutes later... -]

The Quadra would arrive on time (barely), as the Kaminoians are already assigning the Commanders their Legions. Silver recognized some of the Commanders there, Gree got assigned to the 41st, Wolffe got the 104th, Evo got the 402nd Kamino Security Corps, Colt, Blitz, Havoc and Hammer would get assigned to the Rancor Battalion. The 4 quickly stand shoulder to shoulder at the FOB, since it's going to be their turn.

Fox, to his delight, got assigned to the 401st Security Garrison.
Cody got the 7th Sky corps.
Rex got the Elite 501st.
And Finally, Silver got the 52nd Legion.

They were pleased and happy with their assigned units, though some had problems. But that'll sort out later.

[- Kamino, landing/pickup Zone -]
[- Silver's POV -]
We separated into our assigned Legion, It was not gonna lie, Confusing figuring out which of the Clones were in our units since our armor was just plain white. I eventually found my unit somehow and we were transferred to the Acclamator Class Assault Ship "The Harrier", the Venator Star destroyer "Demolisher" and "The Vanquisher". I caught a glimpse of 2 Clone Commandos, one Green painted and one Orange, I assume that the Green one was the tech specialist or whatever, judging by the unique backpack, I had one of these before so it wasn't hard to identify it... The Orange one, however, looked like maybe the squad leader. His Orange paint represents courage, eagerness, and leadership...The tech specialist waved at the Squad leader as he hopped into a LAAT Gunship. We departed and reached the Ships we were assigned to, I immediately left for the bridge to meet up with my Jedi general, who was already waiting for me.

[- 3rd person POV -]
[- Acclamator Class "Harrier", bridge -]
 Silver would reach the bridge, and inside revealed a Young pink-skinned Jedi with Brown-white Robes, He cannot tell what species is he or he just dyed himself pink, but he didn't question it.
"Commander on deck!" An officer shouted, alerting the Naval crew as they all stood at attention, saluting.

"At ease." Silver said with a nod, the naval crew would resume whatever they were doing at the moment.

"General..?" Silver turned to the Jedi general, who was standing observing the battle plans on a Hologram table.

"Ah, Commander CC-8256, I have been expecting you.." The general noticed Silver's presence.

"So, what are the plans for this attack, sir?" Silver asked, due to he didn't get any information about the Locations and battle plans for the deployment.

"It is quite simple, we get to Geonosis, destroy their planetary defense, and commence an all-out ground assault. The Legions that are participating will be the 21st Nova corps, The 501st legion, and us." He told Silver with his fingers rubbing his shin.

"Wouldn't it'll be wise to commence an orbital bombardment? It'll definitely lower the casualty rates of our troops and waste little time." Silver suggested, taking off his helmet and holding it with his Right arm.

"The plan was carefully calculated by Republic Intelligence and Generals, It'll work just fine."
The general spoke as he grinned, Silver immediately sensed arrogance in his tone, but he didn't want to argue with that. So he remained Silent and unfazed.

"I sure hope so..." Silver muttered as the 21st, 501st, and 52nd Fleet jumped to hyperspace.

" Silver muttered as the 21st, 501st, and 52nd Fleet jumped to hyperspace

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"Begun, the Clone wars had."

Wow! That took wayyyy longer than expected I hope yall enjoyed the first chapter! I will be updating soon, if you have any suggestions, then just comment here!

1022 words, nice.

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