[- Chapter 2: Battle for Geonosis -]

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[- Outer space, Geonosis -]

The Massive fleet of the 3 legions would emerge out of hyperspace, the Planetary defense force would be stunned by the fleet, they have never seen such ships and large fleets before...

They would immediately send out droid fighters and CIS battleships to intercept the fleet, but it was too late...

"Commander, Ion torpedos and missiles are all ready." The naval officer told Silver as he would stand at ease.

"Fire at those targets!" Silver told the officer, pointing at the defense forces.

"Yes sir!"
"Ion torpedos launched, bearing 23-261" The Torpedos would be fired at high speed, zooming in at an incredible velocity to the Ships and stations.

"Direct hit!" An officer shouted as the torpedo hit the Ships, making them explode in blue and orange flames.

The naval officers cheered as they watched the defenses get blown into atoms and flames.

"Don't celebrate yet, we still got a lot more up ahead.." The general said with his finger still on his shin.
"Send in the LAATs, commence all-out ground assault" He continued as he rushed to the Main hangar.
"Right, yes sir." Silver would rush after him as the Fleet began closing into the atmosphere of the planet.

The LAATs would begin their deployment as swarms of them were launched out of the hanger, heading towards the planet's surface. The 501st are in control of Sectors 1-4, the 21st Nova was assigned to Sectors 6-7 and the 52nd got Sectors 8-10.

[- Inside Silver's LAAT -]
[- Silver's POV -]

Everyone was silent, I can only hear the chattering of the clone pilots at the cockpits. I do not know if the Clones with me were excited or afraid of the war..Well, guess we'll find out just now...
The lights of the LAAT from Red flickered to Green, signaling that they were ready for landing.
The Clones looked at eachother, tightly holding their DC-15A Rifles until the LAAT Doors opened.
A Clone trooper immediately got a red bolt at his face as he dropped down lifelessly. We charged forward as most of the Clone Troopers who accompanied me in the LAAT were either shot down or got exploded to bits. The terrain was rough, high, sandy, and chaotic. We never faced a situation like this before, not even in the simulations on Kamino, all those years of training were wasted. I took cover behind a massive rock and fired my DC-15A at the incoming droid forces, spraying in every direction until...


I heard a blaster-clicking noise and saw a group of B1s behind my direction, firing at me, I desperately tried to avoid the blasters and fire at them back. I decided to charge at them, taking 2 shots at my shoulders as I tackled one of the B1s, ripping its head off and throwing it at another one *Bonk* it immediately fell to the ground as I chuckled a bit. I cut off my chuckle until I was soon surrounded by them.

[- 3rd person POV -]
The droids have surrounded Silver, aiming their blasters at him. At this point, Silver just excepted his fate, closing his eyes beneath the helmet 'This is the end..' he thought to himself...

Suddenly a Thremal Detonater would be thrown out of nowhere, hitting a droid in the group.
"Ow, what the-" Those are famous last words as the TD exploded in its face, deactivating the droids surrounding Silver.
"Commander!" A Clone Trooper shouted as he and his squadmates fired at the remaining droids.
"Please! have mercy-" The droid would get his head blasted off by the Clones.
"Wait! I surrender!" Another droid would hold his hands up in the air, dropping its blaster.
"Sorry, we don't take prisoners" Silver bonked the droid's head from behind, double tapping it with his blaster.

"Commander, sir, are you alright?" The clone trooper asked Silver if he was injured. Silver glanced at his shoulder with burning blaster marks.
"I'm fine Trooper, where are the others?" he asked for the location of the other troopers of the 52nd.
"They're right above that hill, they're trying their best to hold off the Seppies capturing the sector" The Trooper responded, placing his DC-15A on his shoulder.
"Shouldn't we introduce ourselves? I haven't got your designation." Silver asked as he looked at the four members of the squad.
"Ah, I am designated CT-3939, sir" The Clone trooper in front of Silver immediately responded.
"We call'em Bull, I'm Mint, This is Platinum and Cobalt" The Clone trooper beside Bull calls out.
"We're Cresht Squad, sir." Platinum said as he puts his hand on his hips.
"Looks like we got a batch of Shinies here eh?" Silver said to the squad, all four of them looked surprised.
"Shinies, sir?" Bull asked.
"Yeah, your armor, It's shiny and new, just like yall and me." Silver said with a smirk.
"Alright, let's head to that hill and aid the rest, we don't have much time"
Silver continued as he grabs another DC-15A on the ground.
"Now, who's ready to kill some droids?" Silver loaded his DC-15A as the others nodded as well.

[- Sector 9, Geonosis Control point -]

A group of Clone Commandos and Regs were trying to hold the Control point from the Droid forces, The Clone troopers dropped dead like flies. Explosions and blaster bolts were zooming everywhere as the Droids were quickly advancing towards the group.

"Where the hell are our reinforcements!? They were supposed to arrive here 5 minutes ago!"
A Clone Commando shouted as he fired at the incoming B1 and B2s.
"We don't know Sarge, we can't contact them through our comms, we lost contact with them."
Another Commando responded and he immediately got his armor torn apart by the wave of Blaster bolts, killing him instantly.
"Well, that is just excellent!" The RC groaned in annoyance as he tried to dodge the blaster bolts like a pro.

"We cannot hold them much longer, they're too many of them!" An RC in Green and black would shout as he was hit in the kneecaps by a B2

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"We cannot hold them much longer, they're too many of them!" An RC in Green and black would shout as he was hit in the kneecaps by a B2.
"NOT MY KNEECAPS, REAPER HELP MEEE!!" He shouted in le pain and agony as he fell down, holding his legs.
"Sixshot! god damn it you di'kut!" Reaper shouted back as he looked at his fallen brother and squadmates.

[- Bull's POV -]
We were quickly running through the sandy terrain of Geonosis, I absolutely hated the sandy atmosphere, sand stained my armor everywhere...It's rough, irritating and it goes everywhere.
Anyways, we almost reached the control point when we heard a scream of le pain, damn, that must've hurt since the scream echoed everywhere. F to pay respects, I thought, referencing a video game I used to play at the barracks with my squad.

We reached the control point, and eventually, we saw 2 Clone Commandos, one was on the ground holding his kneecaps (Glad that I'm not him) and a squad of Regular Clones. We immediately rushed to their aid, Platinum treated the injured with some good ol bacta while the rest of us rushed to help the others.

Cobalt's messing with the grenades.
Silver's just being a beast.
Mint's just tripping over some rocks.
Platinum's trying to calm Sixshot down.
Reaper's just being a badass like he is.

'What a day to be alive' I thought to myself.

[- 3rd person POV -]
[- Sometime later... -]

"Well, that's the last of em.." Reaper said as he headshot a B1 laying on the ground.
"That was exhausting.." Mint slightly complained as he stretch out his arms.

"*Sigh* How's Sixshot doing Platy?" Reaper asked Platinum about Sixshot's injury as he walks over
"Quit calling me that, also, He's doing quite fine, he'll heal in a couple of hours." Plat responded

Silver would open the holo-comm, attempting to contact the General.
"General?" He said as the Hologram of his general appeared.

"CC-8256, I assume the defense of Sector 9 went smoothly?" The general asked with his arms crossed.

"Yes sir. the defense went well, though we have a few casualties, but that'll be fine."
Silver responded, taking off his helmet and holding on to his right arm.

"Mhm, the battle is now over, we have successfully captured most of the droid factories and territory. The Separatists have retreated to the other rims, especially the outer rim of the galaxy."
The general responded with a grin.
"Also, the name's Ev'tic Mo't, you don't always have to call me general, ya know?"
He said as his comlink shut off.

"What kind of name is that.." Silver then turned to the Incoming LAAT.

"Looks like that'll be our ride." Reaper Said to the group as he approached the landing LAAT, hopping into it.
The others would follow and do the same, as Cobalt and Platinum would be carrying Sixshot into the Gunship. Silver would follow after.

After a brief moment, the LAAT would take off towards the Orange skies of Geonosis heading towards the Vanquisher.

The LAAT would land in the hangar as the Fleet jumped into hyperspace. Their primary destination will be the Legends system.

Annndddd The end of this chapter!!!
1480 Words! WOOHOO!
Well, ya know what that means...

Also, the Legends system is the System that contained Planets with mystical creatures and legends, which the 52nd were assigned to after the Battle of Geonosis. 
The Planets contained in the system are...

Reje and Sarak-87 would be the most featured In this Fan fic, hope yall enjoyed it! ^-^

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