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They made a pyre; and laid little Olive who was still alive. They wanted to offer her alive to be burnt to ashes to their damned gods.

Olive was wrapped in a white robe only her sad frightened face was let open in somewhat like a hood, the white robe dazzled through the night. The forest dwellers were half naked only their genitals were covered in animal skin both the male and female.

They danced around her as she laid on the pyre looking drained and dumb. They merry-make as they gave their skills in their local devilish dance steps like possessed lost tribe.

The night was at its peak; they raised dust and they sweat profusely from their enigmatic frenzy dance of the spirit.

They made fire around the arena. And it was burning out of control giving the atmosphere a complete illumination of camp burn-fire. Their drummers were beating on their ghotic drums with bones I presumed to be humerus; the upper arms of adult humans. As they thunder their muscles on the drum their entire body move to the rythime of the sound.

There was no voice harmony to the drum beats; just drum beats and and dance steps. They feast on the drums and the dance went for hours non-stop.

Suddenly; their leader or chief priest raised his both hands and screamed in a loud voice. Both the drummers and the dancers went motionless immediately.

The whole vicinity became as quiet as grave yard. He uttered some strange incantation as his both hands were still raised up and he was the only one in their midst that covered  all of his body in animal skin.

When he was done with his spiritual chants and incantations he went to the head of their Oracle and grabbed a jar and walked straight to where Olive laid, and murmured some incantation and raised the jar to his mouth, took a sip and spit it on Olive's face and continued with the incantations.

Meanwhile; I was peering from where I was hiding contemplating on what to do to save the life of my one and only sister the only family I have got in this whole wide world.

Then I remembered the words of my father telling us to stand for each other no matter what. I know very well the story of my family.

My father is the only surviving son of his father and my grandfather is the only son. My father grew up with no brothers nor sisters; he was raised by his father.

According to my father; his father has four children and all died including his wife who happened to be my grandmother. She died while giving birth to my father.
And his father raised him all by himself insisting not to get married again because he loved his wife so  much and her death got her so devastated.

So he remained single and raised my dad to adult hood before he died.  The story of my father from his father is a great inspiration of love and family commitment.

My father never sized to tell me how my grandfather loved his wife and him my father till he died and how he raised him with total commitment coated with undiluted love.

And here I am watching my little sister going to be sacrificed to an unknown gods while I did nothing. From where I was the whole thing was getting me mad I was drowned on the thought of how to save her or sacrifice my own life in the process because the whole thing seems to me like a suicide mission.

By mere looking; those Forest dwellers were fierce like wild animals and they are many in numbers. Rescuing my sister seems impossible to me.

And said to myself
"It will be more heartbreaking to watch my my little sister died without putting up a fight. Instead it's better they sacrificed the two of us"

So when the chief priest of the forest dwellers was done with his incantations he went to burning fire and raised a piece of burning wood and proceeded to the pyre where my sister was laid.

As he was about to put the fire on the flakes of the dry leaves to burn my sweet Olive. I scratched my hands on the floor and my fingers stumbled over a stone I picked it.

Raised it and fired it at the chief priest and it hit him on the back of his head he fell like a log of wood. Dancers and the drummers were there and watched the chief priest fell like a log of dry wood with his face down.

As he fall the whole of forest dwellers looked with surprise; and confusion overwhelmed them as they don't know what brought down their great chief priest. As their chief priest lay on the floor he was bleeding profusely and they did not know what to do.

As they run around over the body of their bleeding chief priest, meanwhile Olive was still lying on the pyre motionless.

My eyes never left her because I was waiting for the slightest opportunity to save my dear Olive but they were all there trying to save their dying man.

Two men lifted the priest and carried him away from the face of their Oracle as the rest followed. I was lucky because they did not know that he was hit by a sharp stone.

The night concealed the whole incidence to my favour, and they left; the last four behind the fleeing crowd of the forest dwellers looked over the body of Olive on the wood.

And one of them motioned on his colleagues to leave her there and follow their people.

I waiting for some seconds to make sure that they were far gone before I dashed out of my hide out and proceeded to where Olive was laid and picked a knife on the face of their Oracle and climbed on the pyre and cut all the ropes with which they tied Olive.

Carefully I carried her down from the height and throw her on my shoulder and run off immediately.

I don't know where I was heading; but I proceeded. Deep down in my mind I know that am not going back to the beautiful site we have previously settled before Olive was abducted to be sacrificed.

I took to another direction running as fast as my feet could carry with the weight of little Olive on my shoulder.

All the way; she was motionless and still like a sleeping baby, but her eyes was wide open, she blinks at intervals, I guess they have drugged her before putting her on the sacrificial platform.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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