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There are some students standing, busy in their own work. She asked something from near by girl.
Jenny, "Excuse me please! Can you tell me, where is a block A. I am new here and student of literature".
O hello! Welcome to the university. I am Julie, you may go right and left of that corridor near science department.
She went in to the class, one of the class-fellow came and said I saw you from the very beginning of the day, what's your name?
Jenny," I m Jenny and you?
I am Anna.
Anna, " where do you live? In this city or another?"
Jenny, " In this city but I got admission on scholarship and I got facility of hostel".
Anna, " That's great, I also live in hostel and its my 2nd semester".
Jenny, " then why are you taking this class".
Anna, " I with draw my one subject and taking these classes for the preparation of exams.
Jenny, Oh! All the best for the exams.
Anna, " I also give you my notes of the previous semester so it will be helpful for you.
Jenny, "Thank you so much, my room number is 23.
Anna, " It's a coincidence! My room number is also 23. Now, we are roommates and friends. Right!
Jenny, Right!
Bell rung, teacher entered into the class-room and saw Jenny as new student so he first called Jenny to introduced herself infront of the whole class before gonna start his lecture.

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