Girls Night Out (Short Story)

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"Truth or dare?" Jordan asked as she set her stuff down on Deborah's desk.

"Jordan," D said with a sigh,"I'm working."

"That doesn't mean you can't have some fun-"

"It does actually," D cut her off.

Jordan scowled,"You need to lighten up."

"I don't have the time-"

"Make the time!" Jordan replied,"I see you doing work that Nelson doesn't know about, you could be using that time to have fun. Look, you're almost done, how about, we have a girls night out."

As much as Deborah wanted to protest, she couldn't deny she wanted a bit of a break from Syntec, or more accurately, taking it down.

Deborah agreed.


"Are you sure you're okay with me leaving you with him?" 

"Yes," Wes laughed,"He is technically still my partner. I can deal with him myself." When Wes saw his fiancé's, hesitation, he consoled her. "You deserve more than a coffee break from this place. Jordan's right."

D gave Wes a quick kiss, then left his office. Jordan was waiting outside. 

"Ready?" Jordan asked as she opened the car door.

"Let's have some fun."


Jordan and D had an excellent night on the town. Whenever some guy would bother Jordan, Deborah would step in and send him running. 

They ended the night at a bar. It wasn't too crowded but they noticed a few familiar voices. 

"Is that?" Jordan gestured to three men at the bar, the ones the voices belonged to.

The men looked fatigued, but happy. The blonde one in the center looked to be already drunk.

"Wesley," the black haired one said,"You really need to get better at holding your liquor."

D chuckled, Wes never had been good at drinking. Jordan and Deb approached.

"Who said you could get my fiancé drunk?" D scolded.

"I wasn't intending on getting him that drunk," Nelson replied,"But it seems he doesn't know how to drink. God, this is terrible." He set his glass down. Nelson had always bought the best liquor so he didn't know how to tolerate generic bar drinks.

"I'm perfectly fine," Wes slurred, his drunkenness  made it sound more like,"I'm perrrrfektly fiiine."

"Well that's a lie," Jordan mumbled.

"Let's get you home," D said with a shake of her head.

D and Nelson worked together to position themselves under Wes while Ben pulled his car keys out.

"If you had listened to me and let me get us the chauffeur I suggested, we wouldn't have to do this," Nelson complained from Wes' right shoulder.

"And I told you that we didn't need a fancy one," Ben sighed in explanation.

"And yet," Nelson paused for dramatic emphasis,"Our budget cuts ended with him ditching us at the first bar in sight."

"How are you guys planning on getting home?" Jordan asked,"You're all intoxicated."

"Have you drunken tonight?" Ben asked her.

"No," she replied proudly.

"Superb," he tossed his keys to her as he stepped in the passenger side. "Don't crash."

She sighed but reluctantly started the car as Nelson and D dealt with Wes.


I need to get Wes drunk more often. D thought to herself as they pulled up to her house. He was adorable when drunk. He kept forgetting they were engaged, or even dating, and confessing his love all over again. Ben and Nelson were hardly keeping it together. 

Nelson helped Deb and Wes to the door before they disappeared inside and Nelson went back to the car. As she set her love in bed, she kissed his forehead. He giggled.

"I wove you."

He was tired and drunk and sounded like a small child. D smiled.


(Little extra thing)

Nelson sighed as he sat down in the back. 

"So where are we going next?" Jordan asked impatiently.

Nelson wrote his address down on a piece of paper and handed it to her.

"That's pretty far," she blew out a breath,"Ben, is your house on the way-"

"No matter," Nelson jumped in. "He'll stay with me."

Jordan tried to cover her smile, but failed. "Guess Xander wasn't lying."

Ben groaned, hitting his head on the dashboard.


Thank you to @Rockythewolf588 for this suggestion.

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