Chapter 19

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"What did you just say about being cursed earlier?" He whispered hoarsely just as he turned to me after locking the door. There was curiosity and different kinds of emotions I couldn't explain glinting in his eyes as he stared down at me, who was still kneeling on the floor.

I gulped and wiped my tears with the backs of my arms, exhaling and inhaling deeply as I wondered about the right words to use and how to explain it all. I just claimed to be cursed because that is what it seemed like after my good and pleasurable life turned sour after that day.

The curse was that beast, which saved me from being killed, even though it should be a blessing because that is the reason I am still alive now. If my mother had killed me that day, I just can't explain what would have been the fate of the werewolf kingdom.

"First, get up from the floor and have a seat. You have no reason to be scared of me, not yet." He continued as he returned to his chair.

I rose and slowly sat on the other chair, facing him directly, but I couldn't look up into those eyes as they were just so magical, and I was just about to lose control of myself at his stare.

"Isn't it a curse that a strange kind of ferocious beast took over me and my wolf and gave us unimaginable powers that turned us into bloodthirsty monsters just so we would murder my mother and survive death, which was already knocking on our door, only for everyone to tag us as demonic?" I began, with tears flooding down my face.

"Your mother was possessed by a demon and attacked you? Why you? Who are you to be attacked?" Dracula asked with a sneer, his eyes scrutinizing me.

"I don't know. But...she said I had to die for the demons to rule, which means I was the reason why...."

I couldn't finish before he began to laugh so hard that tears were even in his eyes. My story must be really funny for everyone who was looking at me and hearing me say all that.

If there was a contest for the most wretched and weak werewolf, I would win it consecutively. 

"What is the point of all this lying? Fear that I would kill you for being an associate of the demon?" He inquired, giggling at me.

"I know no one will believe me. The worst is that the new Luna is also one of the demon agents. Laura is back at the palace to make sure I die. She made my father hate me more, increasing my pain and torture every day and night just so I would give up and kill myself. That is what the demons want!" I moaned, looking up at him for the first time.

"I think you should kill yourself. You are destined to die very soon anyway, so all this suffering and torture just for you to commit suicide are a waste of time and energy." I heard him say this to me, and my heart felt like it was struck by a hundred knives as I flinched with my eyes widening at what my mate just said to my face.

It hurts so much to see your last hope, like everyone else, wish you death. He was the last person I depended on for solace. How would he also wish my death too?

"Do you know how much it hurts to hear you say this to me? It is crushing me right now. Everyone could despise me and wish my death, but not you too." I howled, my voice cracking as I stared into his emotionless eyes as they glazed over my face.

He doesn't seem to be feeling anything from my lament or tears. His face was as hard as a rock.

"Why not me? When you look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself the truth. Don't you deserve to die off?" He whispered with sarcasm and mockery before snickering and curving his lips into a smirk.

"Dracula, stop!" I yelled in heartbreak, slamming the desk, but he went on with his derisive laugh.

"If you wanted me dead too, what stopped you from coming when they blew the flute! Why did you stop me from committing suicide? Remember what you told me about needing me in your...."

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