Chapter 44

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Selene's POV

My heart was burning and ramming aggressively in rage and great fury, making me breathe heavily as I clenched both fists, wishing I could rush at her at that moment and devour her into pieces, but I just couldn't do all that because I was in intense pain all over my face from her hot slap.

My cheek stung so painfully, forcing tears to spring out of my eyes while I heard myself sulking and fighting to stop crying like a baby, which was so uncontrollably loud even when I was utterly ashamed of it.

I wished I had been able to hold it back and act tough after noticing the prying eyes of the students who had gathered around me in shock and disbelief at what just happened. I was introduced to the entire school yesterday as a special student to be treated above others since I had a connection with the Lycan kingdom.

After he saw the Lycan King token I had with me, he realized I wasn't to be treated like a common werewolf like the other students. He called for an emergency gathering of all students, and in front of them all, he showed them the token I had and warned everyone about the dangers of disobeying me or making me angry.

The Lycans are dreaded, so with the token, I was to be highly respected.

"How did that commoner slap her, and she did nothing?" "Isn't that Ella who was bullied by everyone?"

"I saw her slapping her." "When did Ella grow wings and nerves?"

"How did she let her go scot free without beating her to stupor?" Ella is a weak and pathetic wolf who anyone can beat up anyhow and anytime."

"If it were me, I would make sure I made that Ella eat sand for laying hands on me!"

All these murmurs and more were coming from different angles, the students speaking lowly to themselves as they peered at me, making my cheeks flush redder from both the slap and the shame.

I tried to rise and act strong by running toward Ella and beating the hell out of her, but my face was still sizzling with flickering pain, and I had also developed a headache. How the slap turned too hot and unbearable was something I couldn't understand. It just doesn't seem normal.

My vision had also gone a little bit blurry to even recognize the faces of the students that had surrounded me with their peers and murmurs.

The Ella I met was far different from the girl I was told about. They told me she was a slave to Scarlett and also the daughter of the Alpha of the Red Moon pack, who had been rejected, spurned, and reduced to nothing by everyone in her pack.

She hadn't been in school for two days, and Dracula was also absent, making me so angry and frustrated with jealousy eating me up as I guessed they might be somewhere together, which was something I tried hard to make myself not believe, only to hear that they were both in school again today on the same day.

Dracula left and went untraceable for two days without telling me anything about it, even when we both met on his last day in school.

It is so unbelievable that I finally met Ella face to face today, ready to join others to make her life miserable, only to receive a hot slap that swept me off my feet. A blinding slap that left me dumb and hazed for some minutes

The girl literally slapped me, and when I threatened at her that she was going to regret it, she wasn't moved at all and utterly ignored me, like I was bluffing.

Oh, my God. This can't be real! I must be dreaming. But how can it be a dream when my cheek is blazing hot from her lashing slap.

God... I gritted my teeth, fuming as my inner wolf began to puff and huff in rage, trying to break away from her confinement.

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