Chapter 53

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Ella's POV

It took just a few seconds later before the sad news of my father's death spread around the whole pack like wildfire, causing an outburst of outcry. Everyone was mourning and wailing in agony and anguish, hearing of their leader's death.

The death of the Alpha was a huge blow to everyone, and it really turned the entire pack into a mourning land, as I could clearly hear their sorrowful weeping through every wall in this building and the distant cries of the pack members. It was only a big shock to me. Seeing my father dead really hit me in the heart.

I was pained and felt a huge sense of pity for him, but no matter how hard I tried to force it, I couldn't make any sound of cry. My lips were clamped, and only a few tears could drop after so many attempts.

Alpha Darren could be ranked as the most powerful Alpha of our century, as he has special strengths and abilities beyond those of other Alphas of his type. He had fought a lot of wars, which he never lost, and conquered a lot of packs to take over their territory. 

He is one of those alphas feared by others, and his powers were the pride of everyone in this pack, which he ruled. 

I heard that before he became the Alpha, this pack had always been bullied and treated harshly by others, but when he took over from his father, he suddenly got that strength, which made him invincible and fierce in front of every battle he faced.

I really wonder how Laura could kill him all of a sudden. Though, I knew demons were powerful, with the way my father boasts and gloats about his great strength, I really thought he would easily defeat Laura. 

Now he is gone, killed in a very brutal and shameful way, as if he were a goat. His body was really mangled, showing clearly that he had faced death in a torturous way.

It was a shock to me because I thought as long as I was alive, Laura's demonic powers couldn't work in this pack, which is why she was doing everything possible to kill me. But it seemed that I was totally wrong. She was just waiting for the right time to use her powers, and unfortunately, it was on my father. 

What I really don't understand is why she waited until now to kill him and then ran away. The more I try to understand what could be Laura's or the demon's plan, the more confused I become.

I was leaning on the wall along the hallways, just beside the door of my father's inner chamber, where he had just been gruesomely killed by Laura. A place he told me was his place of solace and peace.

It was the same room he would hardly allow me to visit my mother in back then, as he made it his personal space to brood and meditate all alone. He said it was the only place he felt safest, and now that same room was where he met his Waterloo. 

Dracula was also standing on the other side of the wall just like me, both of us in silence while others were almost losing their voices from endless crying.

Even Scarlett had joined others in the whole packhouse in weeping in sorrow at the Alpha's death. It was just me and my mate, keeping silent as if nothing big had happened. 

"Ella, you can cry out your pains. You don't have to bottle it up in your heart." I heard Dracula's voice as he walked over to me. 

"I am not bottling anything." I shrugged, looking up at him as he stood in front of me with his towering height and handsome face. His scent gives me warmth and comforts me deep in my heart.

"I feel a bit sorry for my father. He lost his life out of ignorance. He hated the wrong person and fell in love with his enemy, trusting her as if his life depended on it. My father tortured me so badly even when I was his only daughter. He wasn't ready to forgive me for his mate death, nor could he believe me when I said she was possessed by a demon!" My voice cracked, and tears filled my eyes as I felt the heaviness in my heart.

All the hellish experiences I went through at the hands of my father were replaying in my heart and were shattering it into pieces. 

"I am really sorry." Dracula cooed and hugged me to himself calmly, patting my back as I sobbed silently, tears pouring uncontrollably.

"Let's go find somewhere quiet to stay. You know your responsibility will not be the same again after today." He breathed, sadness in his eyes, as he looked into my face with those piercing brown eyes and seemed as if they were seeing through me. 

I understood what he was implying, and I couldn't help my tears as my lips trembled while I bit them to push back my whimper. All of a sudden, the group of people I had hated so much would have to look up to me for their safety as the alpha. After all the evil they have done to me, I will have to fight and protect them.

The entire pack will be resting on my shoulder—this same pack that had disconnected from me and tagged me a demon, treating me as if I wasn't one of them. 

My father had hurt me so much that I had lost all love and compassion for him, and then he disowned me, giving everyone in the pack the full right to treat me in whatever way they wished. And they had used that right so well, as I must always face one bully or the other anytime I step my feet out. 

I was living a life without love from both my family and the entire pack that I was born into. So many years of suffering in their hands, and when I got my powers, ready to totally stay away from them and live my life with my mate, my father just had to die so he could pin me in here. 

Those moments I peered at my father's face under the scorch of his beatings and punches, when he tortured me as if I were a non living thing, I felt extreme rage and regret, and I wished I had the power to take his life.

I would always regret ever being his daughter, praying that the moon goddess would take his life. The hatred for him was deep and reeking, and I regard myself as an orphan. His death has just made it more vivid that I have no parent.

The fact that he turned his only daughter into a slave and allowed me to be bullied by everyone was something I could never forget. He was a devil to me, and seeing him dead was a kind of relief except that I would have to protect and rule the same pack that had hurt me severely. 

My plan had been to stay away from this pack and face my destiny of fighting against the demon, then go back to the Lycan kingdom with my mate. I didn't wish to rule and protect these people who made me feel so worthless and trashy. Turning from a princess loved by everyone to someone spurned and maltreated by everyone, including children.

I dared not to fight back then because when the report reached my father's ear, he wouldn't care who was at fault and would punish me immediately, yelling at my face that I was a killer who was trying to do the same thing I did to his mate to others.

Now he is dead. The demons must be on the verge of unleashing their attack on this pack after Laura killed the Alpha, but they won't succeed because I would take over the throne. 

That's how my fate sucks. I was going to be an alpha at the age of 18, ending my schooling, no partying, and cruising with my mate. I have to be stuck in here, doing all those boring Alpha duties. 

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