Chapter 52

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Ella's POV.

I came back from school late because I was trying to convince Dracula to forgive Randy and his sister, including Scarlett. I needed peace in my life and wanted to have a life where everyone lived in love amongst themselves.

It was clear they had hurt me in different ways and I had all the powers to make them pay dearly, but my heart wouldn't let that. I wasn't a wicked girl, and my heart softens at every drop of tears from anyone. I knew I shouldn't use my powers on my family, which were werewolves, nor should I allow my mate to do so. 

Yes, no matter what they had done, it didn't change the fact that they were my family. The only ones I have. I shouldn't be their oppressor. Instead, I was to be their guardian, who would save them from the demons attack and restore peace and harmony to our world.

This was the reason I made peace with everyone, including all my classmates who had bullied me. Even the seniors were all on their knees with the teachers after they learned of who I had become. I had to forgive and let it all go.

I was returning home with my mate, Scarlett, and Randy and his sister, Selene, chatting happily and cracking jokes, but as we got into the royal pack house, I felt a strange feeling, so overwhelming that I began to sweat and quiver. Dracula noticed it and grabbed my hand, asking me what was wrong, but I couldn't give him an answer.

My heart was racing, and the chill of anxiety kept running down my spine. I wriggled my hands free from Dracula's and ran to the palace in search of my father. The foreboding feeling seemed to be directed toward him. I was feeling that something bad had either happened to him or was about to.

I prayed silently to meet him and at least see that he was fine, but when I got to the palace and saw it all empty, my heart ached and my palms became sweaty and slick.

I hurried out and sprinted to his room, hearing Dracula call me and chase after me, but I ignored him totally, hoping I would find my father, who was the only family I had left.

When I got to his room, there were his bodyguards around, so I asked them where my father was. They said he went to his inner chamber, and had been there for so long, but since he forbade anyone from entering there, they hadn't gone to check on him.

It was at that point that my mind flashed back to Laura. I was about to run to the inner chamber before I paused and turned to them again.

"Where is Laura?" I asked, breathing shakily, and there was this confused look that spread through their faces. 

Dracula and the rest caught up with me and were asking me something, which I didn't listen to. All their voices were like talking drums with no coherent meaning.

"We haven't seen her either." One of the guards sputtered in response to my question, darting their eyes around. "She doesn't stay in her room for long. We haven't seen her pass here. Could it be that she is also in the inner chamber with the Alpha?" 

I couldn't wait for any other word from them before I ran wildly to the inner chamber, noticing the others, including the guards, running behind me too.

I got to the door and saw my father's two personal bodyguards, who had always been beside him, standing there like pillars.

"The Alpha doesn't allow any..." 

They tried telling me, but I was already in.

"Father!!" I called out, hoping he would answer from inside and calm my terror, but my voice only echoed back with no response. I approached the sitting room, and the first thing I saw was blood. Thick red blood all over the floor and beneath my feet.

My eyes scanned around the room, tracing the source of the blood as my heart pounded harder and my breath choked in my throat as I prayed it shouldn't be my father. 

My eyes trailed the blood and fell on the body that was the same as my father's, the cloth that was already soaked with blood was recognizable as his favorite.

I dragged my legs forward, shaking my head in disbelief and horror.

"No!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, terrified as I saw clearly how my father's body lay twisted in an unnatural angle, blood pooling around the mangled limbs. His face was contorted in a grimace of pain, eyes wide and staring.

"Ella, what is..." Dracula's voice twitched as he gasped in shock upon seeing my father's dead body. Footsteps were heard, and different voices were clamoring in and battering my head. I could feel Dracula holding me warmly, but everything seemed to be fading as tears poured down my eyes. Watching as if it were a nightmare that I would wake up from. 

My father was dead, killed right inside here in a brutal manner, or was I having illusions? No, it shouldn't be. Not now... Not now that I wanted to restore my family. 

"Ella, let's get out of here. The sight is triggering and won't be good for you to keep staring at. We will surely find out who did this, and that person must pay dearly!!" Dracula growled, his voice laced with pure rage, and I could feel the heat of it. My tears were the last thing he could ever bear seeing, and I knew he meant every word he said, but it was too late.

"Where is Laura?" I whimpered, my lips trembling as I tried to keep my voice steady.

"She is missing." One guard among the little crowd that had gathered, responded as the medical team was aligning my father's body, which was mangled almost beyond recognition, and the only weapon that was able to do such was the dark magic of a high-ranking demon. He was killed in a torturous way, as if the killer had a deep grudge against him.

"Laura killed my father." I mused, letting out a short laugh of fury. My whole body tensed up, and I felt a hot wave of anger wash over me. My heart pounded in my chest, and my breath came out in short, sharp gasps. I could feel my face flushing red, and my hands clenching into tight fists at my sides. 

"She will pay!" Dracula fumed, hugging me into a warm embrace. 

"But why? I thought I was the target. Why kill my only family?" I whimpered, and he took a deep breath, patting my back. 

"She will explain it in excruciating pain with a bloodcurdling voice after I am done with her!" He growled, but it didn't make me feel better. I warned my father about Laura, but he turned deaf ears and hit me hard for it. Now it has cost him his life. He wasn't given a chance to realize the truth of what I told him. I knew there was more to his death, and it could be the beginning of something more dangerous. That demon war, which I dreaded, was about to begin.

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