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My name is Nikita Hetfield, I'm a normal young adult despite me having a famous father. There was actually times I would use that power for my advantages but most of the time, I didn't even make it known that I had a famous father unless someone asked about me it, like about my last name for instance.

If you haven't guessed, my father is non other than James Hetfield, lead singer of the popular metal band, Metallica.

And I look a lot like my father except for the fact that I have darker skin, and the reason for that is because my mother was Latino. Growing up I had natural brown hair but recently I darkened it and added some purple highlights to it, which is one of my favorite colors. And just like my father, I had blue eyes.

After the last relationship I was in, which was a pretty bad one, I decided I wanted to take a year off of college and get away for a little while. So when I found out my dad's band was going on tour with one of my favorite bands, Avenged Sevenfold, I thought that would be a perfect opportunity to get away. And a chance to meet and possibly hang out with them.

I just needed to confront my dad about the idea of going on tour with him and his band, I mean I've done it before so I figured it shouldn't be a problem now. At least I hoped it wouldn't be anyways.

"Dad." I said sweetly when I walked into his office, "I have a huge question."

"And I might have an answer. What's up sweetheart?" He asked as he looked up from his computer with a small smile on his face.

"Well, with you going on this tour. I was wondering if it's possible I could go with you guys. Please?" I smiled sweetly at him.

"No, not happening." He shook his head.

As soon as I heard those words the smile dropped from my face.

"But why? I've done it before and you've let me." I let out a small sigh.

I mean he has turned me down on letting me go before, but that was when I was younger.

"Yeah I know. But this time you're in school, you know the school I pay for remember?"

Ah yes, that's why he's saying no, makes sense.

"Yeah about that." I said slowly as I bit my bottom lip.

"Nikita Renee." He breathed out, "Tell me you didn't get kicked out."

He should damn well know I'm not bad at school, in fact I'm one of the top students in my class at least when it comes to grades.

"No, not exactly that. But I have decided to take a year off." I said in a point blank matter.

"And why would you do that?" He then shook his head, "Is it because of what happened with that jackass?"

My last relationship was with a guy named Ross, who became abusive partly into our relationship and when I tried leaving him, he raped and almost killed me. And he probably would have if I hadn't fought back as hard as I did.

"No, I mean not really." I shook my head. "I just feel like getting away from everything around here. Different sceneries will do me some good." I shrugged one shoulder as I looked at him.

"Good, because you know he won't ever bother you again." 

"Oh I know that. Because of his accident." I had used air quotes around accident.

After he had gotten out of jail, he had tried coming after me again. And he learned the hard way to never piss off a Latino family because some of the family on my mother's side went after him. But of course to the authorities it was just an single car accident that he was involved in.

"And it was one sweetheart." He smirked, but I could tell he was trying to hide a smile.

"Right, because brakes on a car, that was in perfect condition might I add, just happened to give out and he ends up crashing into a small embankment."

"Hey." He puts his hands up, "Mysterious things happens to cars everyday. Who are we to question it." He shrugged his shoulders.

I really didn't want to talk about anything concerning Ross so I turned the conversation back to why I had came into his office in the first place.

"Yeah yeah." I waved my hand in the air in a circular motion, "Anyways, can I please go with you." I folded my hands under my chin, smiled sweetly and batted my eyelashes at him.

I knew that if I did that, he'd give in because he has before but doesn't mean he will this time but it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Fine." He sighs with a smile, "I'll let you go because you've never begged like this. Normally when I've said no, you've accepted that answer and moved on. Plus, I know how much you love one of the bands that's touring with us."

"Yay! Thank you daddy!" I beamed as I hugged him around his neck and kissed his cheek.

He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around my waist to hug me back, "Only thing I ask is, help out at the merch table. Oh and please don't get involved with any of the members of the other bands that's on this tour. I don't want to make things awkward by having to kick one of their asses because they hurt you in some way or another."

Pft, he may say that he would, but I think if it came down to it, he wouldn't actually hurt someone physically. He's like a dog that's all bark and less bite.

"I won't." I giggled, "The last thing I want is another relationship anyways." I waved it off with my hand.

Which was true, I've sworn off relationships for quite a while. They're nothing but drama. Ross wasn't the only bad relationship I've been in, granted he is the only one that's physically hurt me though.

"Good, I'm happy to hear you say that. But you know, on a different note, your mom would be so proud of you. The way you've handled things, don't let things get to you and always keeping your head up."

 That made me smile more, after everything that's happened in my life, it's made me a stronger person. But I also rarely let anyone see me when I'm in a depressed mood whenever I do get that way which has become very rare anymore.

"Yes she would. Hell, I'm proud of myself." I then sighed as I grabbed the picture off his desk that was of me and my parents  that had been taken a year before my mom was killed, when we had went on vacation.

My mother, Rosita, had passed away 4 years ago after being hit by a driver that had fallen asleep at the wheel one evening when her and me was taking our evening walk. I actually would have been the one to get struck by the vehicle if it weren't for my mother, who pushed me out of the way and caused the car to hit her instead.

"I miss her, you know?" I stated as I blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.

The first few months it was really hard to cope with her death, especially knowing that she saved my life but eventually I moved on with a thing called life.

"Me too sweetheart, me too." He nods while sighing and rubs my lower back, "Just know, she's looking down on us, on you with a smile upon her face."

"I know." I smiled, "I never have to worry because she's my guardian angel, in more ways than one. She saved me from that car hitting me and I know she was there the day that Ross attacked me, that's what gave me the strength to fight him off because I couldn't push him off me then it's like all of a sudden I was able to. I know it was her helping me fight him off, she helped give me strength to get away from him."

Although when I did get away from him, instead of fully getting away, I had given him a few good whacks before going to get some help.

"Yes she is, your guardian angel I mean." He lets out a small smile, "The best guardian anyone can have." 

And he was definitely right about that.

A/N: I decided I wanted to redo this story and change some things. They're not too much of a change though

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