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By that weekend, Nikita decided it was best to get out and do something fun. After Brian had came back from getting his car, she was ready to start leaving the house and do errands, like to the store and to the studio with Brian. And he was happy she was finally able to get out and do something more than just the errands. 

So they got ready and headed to Johnny's Saloon to join the rest of their friends. And everyone was excited to see them. 

"Ohh, you know what would be fun? Since it's Karaoke night, we should all participate." Nikita suggested to the rest of them.

"Woo yes!" Lacey agreed along with the other girls.

But of course the guys were a little skeptical about doing that despite them being musicians since this was a different type of scene than they normally are in when they perform. But once the girls talked them into doing karaoke with them, Nikita got up then walked over, grabbed one of the song booklets then brought it back to the table so they could choose the songs they wanted to do.

As Nikita sat the booklet down onto the table, Val got an amazing idea on how to make things more interesting when it came to choosing songs so she grabbed the book and pulled it closer to herself.

"I know something we could do. Instead of choosing our song by looking, we just open to a random page like this." Val opens the book and points, "Then just put our finger down, whatever song our finger lands on, is the song we have to sing."

"Hey that's a good idea." Meghan nods with a grin.

"How we going to decide who goes first though?" Matt questioned.

"Well Val pretty much chose hers, how about we just go around the table." Lacey shrugs.

"Sounds good to me." Val nods, and looks at the song her finger was on, "Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar." She then wrote it down on a piece of paper and hands the book to Matt who was next.

"I'll pass." He smirked, even though he sung for a living for a bunch of people, he really didn't feel like possibly making a fool of himself singing a song he probably didn't know. 

"Awe come on babe, do it with us." She bumped her shoulder with his.

Nikita had a feeling one of them would end up trying to weasel their way out of this activity but she thought for sure it would have been Brian or Johnny, not Matt.

"Fine." He chuckled as he opens the book and quickly plops his finger down, "Mama, I'm coming home by Ozzy." He still didn't feel like doing this, but he agreed only for Val.

"Of course, you'd get that song." Brian laughed as Val wrote down the song Matt landed on. 

"Be even funnier if it was Paranoid since you guys actually covered that song."  Nikita giggled as the book was passed to Johnny.

"That would be funnier but at least this is also something I actually know. What you get short shit?" Matt smirked as he was thankful for. 

"Ah shit, seriously? I got the song I'm too sexy by Right said Fred." Johnny laughed which they all joined in, "I want a new pick."

He couldn't believe out of all songs that he got one like that. And they all thought it was going to be so funny watching him sing that song.

"Nope, not happening, you've got to do it babe." Lacey giggled as she patted his shoulder.

"Well then I'm going to need a few more drinks in me before that happens." He smirked, he didn't know how he'd be able to do that without being drunk or damn near drunk.

It was then Lacey's turn and she had gotten Rollin In The Deep by Adele.

"Good song, I'm not sure how well I'll do that song though because her voice is amazing." Lacey smiled. "Your turn Brian."

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