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By the morning time, a nurse walked into Nikita's room and smiled seeing her and Brian cuddled up sleeping, and she thought it was so adorable. 

She hated to wake them up but unfortunately had to so she walked over and started rubbing Nikita's arm softly, "Sweetheart." 

"Hm?" Nikita hummed out as she opened her eyes and looked up at her. 

She didn't know how long she had been asleep but she just knew she felt better than what she did when she first arrived.

"Hey, hated to wake you because you two look so peaceful sleeping." The nurse smiled. "Just came to give you some good news."

"No, it's okay. Hope it's okay he's in the bed with me though." Nikita glanced at him still sleeping with his head on her shoulder. She wanted to adjust herself but she didn't want to disturb him so she didn't move. 

"It is totally fine." The nurse waved it off, "You feeling better this morning?"

"I am for the most part. The only thing that's really hurting is my neck but that's probably because of how I slept." She smirked as she rubbed on the back of her neck then turned her head side to side to try to stretch the muscles and hoping it would make it feel better doing that.

"Could be." The nurse nodded, "You ready to go home?"

"Oh, most definitely." She nodded with a small smile, the fact was she was ready to leave the moment she was admitted.

"Well your vitals are back to normal so the doctor said you can be released today. He just suggests that you do a follow up with your primary doctor if you're wanting to continue with birth control. We are only able to give out trial prescription which are only a few days worth of dosage but that's it."

"Makes sense, but I had a feeling I'd have to see my primary doctor to get back on birth control. I just hope I don't have the same mishap I did with this one. But anyways, how long until I'm able to leave here?"

"I hope you don't either, no one deserves that. I'll go work up the discharge papers now. It'll be about half hour or so before you can leave though." The nurse then started unhooking the machines from her, "So if you wanted to let him sleep a little longer you can."

"I tried to get him to go home to sleep but he wouldn't." She giggled quietly, "I'm grateful he didn't though, I'm not a big fan of these places."

"Usually no one is when they're the patients." The nurse chuckled.

"It's just the last time I was here, it was because of my ex, who almost killed me." She sighed, she hadn't planned on saying that but it had came out before she could stop herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." The nurse frowned a bit.

"I don't let it get me down though. Especially now that I've found a great guy." She smiled as she rubbed her hand gently over the top of Brian's head. "Before he came into my life, I had made a promise to myself to avoid relationships and to never fall in love again but it got broken thanks to him."

"That's so sweet." The nurse smiled. "At least the promise got broken for a good reason."

"Oh definitely." She nodded slightly as she sighed happily.

"Well I'll go get your release papers and I'll be right back. So if you wanted to get dressed you can also do that." The nurse stated as she motioned to a bag sitting on the counter that had her clothes then pulled the curtain closed after she stepped out.

Part of her wanted to let Brian sleep a little bit more but at the same time, she wanted to get up and start getting dressed so that she'd be ready when they brought her the release papers because she wanted out of there as soon as she possibly could.

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