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As Brian was driving back to Nikita's place, her phone dinged letting her know she had a message and when she looked at it, she realized it was her father. 

Hey I need you to stop by the main house before going to your cottage

"Did you tell my dad I was in the hospital?" She asked while looking down at her phone.

"Well yeah. I figured he'd want to know that his daughter was in the hospital. I didn't realize that would have been problem."

It wasn't exactly a problem to her that he told her dad and that wasn't why she was asking him if he said something to her dad. She just didn't want her dad to worry because she felt as if she didn't go through anything major. And it was sorta embarrassing to her that it was because of her birth control device malfunctioning and made her sick. But at least he along with anyone else that finds out, that she tried being safe when it came to being sexual.

"Explains why he wants me to stop at the main house when I get there."  She sighed as she laid her head back against the headrest. 

"He probably just wants to see for himself that you're okay."

"Yeah I know." She nodded without lifting her head from the headrest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you'd have a problem with that." He sighed as he rubbed his fingers over his lips and chin. 

"Hey, no, it's okay. I'm not mad that you did." She grabbed his arm and linked her fingers with his, "I just didn't want him to worry about me that's all because I'm fine. But in the end, if he found out that I was in the hospital and no one told him, he would be mad about that."

As soon as they walked into the house, her dad quickly pulled her into a hug, which surprised her at his reaction. 

"Dad, I'm fine Jesus." She groaned slightly, it then dawned on her that he said he wouldn't be home this weekend but yet he was, "Wait, why are you even home?"

"I know but Sweetheart." He nudged her back some and cupped the sides of her head, "I gotten an alert that someone broke into your cottage, which set off the silent alarm. Then as I was heading back this way, Brian contacted me saying you were in the hospital. My mind instantly went to the fact that you had been attacked during the break-in until he told me otherwise that is." He let out a sigh, thankful that she was in fact okay.

Nikita's eyes then went wide at hearing that, "Are you serious?! Oh my God is Paco okay?" She went to head for the door but her dad instantly pulled her back. "Dad, where's Paco?!"

She needed to know he was okay, and wasn't understanding why he wasn't letting her go check on him.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, he was found at the bottom of his cage with a broken neck."

"What?! No! That can't be true!" She cried out, she couldn't believe it, why  would anyone want to hurt him.

James held her to his chest as she cried, "Unfortunately it is."

"Why would anyone want to hurt him? He's the sweetest bird ever." She choked out.

She felt like someone had shoved their fist into her chest and twisted everything around. And she knew, if it weren't for James holding her up, she would have ended up in the floor.

"I don't know." He grumbled as he led her over to the couch, "I think you need to answer some questions though."

"What do you mean?" She looked at him confused as he made her sit then sat down next to her as she wiped her eyes and cheeks.

"How about the fact that they only targeted the guest house. If it was random, you'd think they would have hit here not out there. So that being said, did someone have a vendetta against you?"

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