Chapter One

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Minah's POV

I walked towards the house that I've shared for a year now with someone I love, someone I am loyal to but that someone doesn't see nor even feel how much I love him. Slowly I walk inside just to see an empty living area and a silent aura around the house which I get used to ever since we were married he is either out his friends or maybe someone... that is a girl and having fun. I shook that thought and started to walk up to our room we share and sat down in the bed for a moment when suddenly my phone buzzed.

"Minah-ya~ I'm outside Baekhyun is drunk.. again, get your husband."


I stood up and set my phone down in the table near my side before taking off my heels and going towards the front door, upon opening I saw Chanyeol with Baekhyun in his side that has his arm sling into Chanyeol's neck for support. "I will take him, thank you Chanyeol and sorry if you're always the one taking Baekhyun home." I said as I bowed my head while he shook his head and smiles a little. "Aniyo.. Its alright, you've got nothing to be sorry for. You're not the one who'se always drunk." He said in response with a soft chuckle before handing Baekhyun carefully to me. "Still.. Mianhaeyo~" I said and smiled at him slightly then soon after he bid his goodbye and closed the door for me, slightly struggling I tried to kept him up as we walked up towards our room.

"Yeoba-ah~" He mumbled with his eyes closed making me stop at my tracks on walking, glancing towards him I felt myself blush a little as a smile crept into my lips before continuing to walk towards our bed and laying him down. I went towards the bathroom of our room and took some clean white face towel and soaked it abit in water before coming back to the bed, starting to clean him a little and changing his shirt which I normally almost every night ever since the mid of our marriage life. He started to mumble things that weren't making any right words until. "Taeyeon.. I love you~" He mumbled in his sleep while I stopped and looked at him in the face slowly a tear from my eye slipped down to my cheek.

I know for myself I will never be enough for him, I know he still loves her but what can I do? Were just married by papers and he had never loved me ever since, all he thinks and all he loves is Taeyeon. After changing his shirt I went out of our room and went down stairs towards the living room, sitting down in the couch I let out a soft sigh as I cried silently by myself while re-thinking the times when he had shouted at me telling me it must have been my fault that Taeyeon left. I rubbed my eyes softly and went up to take a shower and change into my pajama's, looking at him sleeping soundly a small bitter smile crept into my lips by just looking at him my heart slight flutters inside and secretly wishes for him to realize how much I love him.

The next day I woke up early and sees him still sleeping beside me with his arms wrapped around my waist, that I hoped will stay a little longer but it can't since once he wake up he will just shout at me and scold me. I carefully take off his arms from and stood away from the bed as he slightly stir up and yawns with eyes still closed, continuing to admire him I smiled a little and lean in a little giving his cheek a small soft kiss before going downstairs I went to the bathroom and freshen up then went down stairs to prepare the breakfast. After few moments I heard him going down as I set down the plates he went to his seat and started to eat silently like always but I always try to talk to him. "Good morning~ uhmm.. are you going to the office this early?" I asked as I looked down in my food and slightly glance up at him who still reading his newspaper. He looked up from his papers and eyes him a little. "Yes." He replied shortly before sipping his coffee and standing up to go upstairs and probably prepare for work.

After washing off the dishes I went up with a advil in my hand since he may still have headache from all his drinking last night, knocking soft to the door I saw him slightly struggling with his tie with one hand over his head. "Aish.. dammit." He muttered then I went up to him and took his hand silently and gave him the advil before taking the tie and adjusting it myself, I looked up and sees his eyes staring at me making me slightly blush. "There.. its done, go take that advil okay? I have some few of them in the table in the dinning area take them incase your head still hurts." I said as I smiled at him a little but he kept silent and emotionless, making me feel slightly embarrass the way his eyes looks at me in which I try to ignore after going towards the bathroom by myself and started to shower and prepare for work myself.

After taking a shower I went out and sees he had gone to work now and I'm now left alone, I started to pick a nice denim short and a white sleeveless shirt and a long dirty cream white cardigan as a designer I like not to wear formal things especially at work in which I could dress the way I like to be. I went out from my car as I putted my bag into my shoulder and grab my iced coffee that I usually like to drink to start off my day at work, walking inside I was greeted by some of the employees and of course my secretary slash best friend Ahyoung or as I like to call Yura. "Hey Minah~ you have a meeting at 11 with Ms Kim, you will be meeting her for the first time for some dress fitting for a company party." She said in which I nodded and smiled. "Okay remind me again it later okay?" I said before walking towards my desk and started to log in into my data of designs.

Hours passed by like minutes I simple knock on my door was heard and Yura looked at me. "Hey.. Ms Kim is here." She said with a smile then slowly soon she opened the door and a girl a few inches shorter than me smiling went in, while Yura left us alone to talk. "Good morning Ms Kim, Its a pleasure to finally meeting you." I said with a smile before bowing a little at her. "Please.. I believe were in the same age? Just call me Taeyeon.." She said as she chuckle slightly in which made me stopped from smiling a little when she mentioned her name. "E-excuse me.. did you say you're name is Taeyeon?" I asked her then she just chuckled lightly and nodded. "Yes, Its Taeyeon. Waeyo? is something wrong?" She asked while I try not to get myself distracted I shook my head and forced a small smile. "Aniyo.. nothing is wrong, sorry I just remembered someone." I said simply before we started to discuss the dress she wanted me to make for her, after half an hour of talking about it she asked me to go out for a lunch with her that I tried to reject kindly since I still felt something was off though she still instead and tag Yura along with us after telling her that me and Yura usually go on lunch together.

"It was really nice of you Taeyeon, really.. Thank you for the lunch." I smiled bowing my head along with Yura who thanked her as well before Taeyeon bid her goodbye to us since her uncle is looking for her. "Minah.. Hey you had been quite silent since early after meeting Ms K- Taeyeon, something wrong?" Yura asked as she nudge me lightly from the side, shaking my head and smiled slight at her. "Nothing is wrong.. Don't worry about me." I said trying to convince her that everything is okay. "Aigoo.. I know what you're thinking now, You think its maybe she is the girl that she is the Taeyeon your husband still obsessed with." She said that made me think for a second. What if.. she is her, Will Baekhyun leave her? Will things change?

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