Chapter Three

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*Minah's POV*

I went home after hanging out with my three best friends to get ready for the party, pacing back and forth at our room as I glance at the paper that contains my dress I let out a soft sigh and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower I slightly curled my hair from the bottom and did my make up light and simple, I took the dress off from the closet where I had putted before taking a shower. "Will Baekhyun like this?" I mumbled to myself before turning away and closing the closet and started to wear the dress properly.

I walked down stairs and saw Baekhyun all dressed in his suit with a bouquet of roses. Since when did he got home? I smiled at him as I carefully walk down from the stairs with my silver gold heels, slowly I walked up to him without breaking eye contact with him. "Hi.." I said coming out a but shyly as I blush since I felt nervously on his reaction on my dress choice. "You look beautiful.. Here's for you by the way." He said with a small faint smile that made my heart skip a beat, since he rarely smiles towards me especially.

I felt my cheeks blush lightly as I took the flowers from him and smiled happily. "Thank you, you look amazing too~" I said as I glance at him and the flowers in my arm, he offered me his hand which I took and silently we went to his car outside to go the party finally.

We finally got to the venue of the party and as soon as we got out of the car, few reporters went to our direction and started asking all sorts of questions.

"Is the well known fashion designer Bang Minah, really your wife?"

"How long have you two been married?"

"How is it feel to be on top, Mr And Mrs Byun?"

I felt my self grab Baekhyun's hand since I feel nervous being surrounded by many people, in which I thought he would let go of my hand but he didn't making me feel calm. "Yes, she is my wife and she and I have been married for two years." He said while smiling at the reporters while they take some photos of us. We continued to walk towards inside the venue where we were greeted by Chanyeol with his sister Yoora.

"I'm glad you two are okay, we thought you wouldn't able to pass those reporters.. The securities were trying there best to get you two in." Yoora said as Chanyeol chucked a bit and patted Baekhyun in the shoulder a bit. "Glad you're okay buddy and you too Minah.. especially." He said as he smiles at me in which I smiled back. After few moments Baekhyun let go of my hand making me snapped abit from my thoughts about the party.

He was looking at the other side of our table, he is looking at Taeyeon surprisingly here too. "E-excuse me.." He said as he sat up and went away towards the other table making my heart slightly bummed down. She is the Taeyeon he had been looking for ever since. I took my glass and gulp down the wine straight and stood up, excusing myself to the Park siblings and went towards the restroom.

Upon reaching the restroom I passed by a garden area where I saw two figure seem to be talking, intrigue I went and hide myself slightly. "Taeyeon-ah~ you're back, Since when?" A male voice I recognize quickly, its him Baekhyun.. They are talking, why? "It doesn't matter when I got back, What matters is I came back for you.. For us Baekhyun." Taeyeon said as I saw her walked towards Baekhyun and hugged him, making me gasp for a moment.

"I missed you Baekhyun.. I still love you." She said that pained my heart slightly but what comes next from him this time made me want to walk up to them and slap them both. "I always loved you Taeyeon, you don't know how crazy I have been trying to look for you." He said as he kissed her in the lips, slowly the tears that were building in my eyes roll down through my cheeks.

I turned my back from them and started to run out in the back and went out in my dress running and not knowing where to go, suddenly I bumped into someone making me stop at my tracks.

I looked up and saw Chanyeol looking at me worriedly. "Minah.. What happened?" He asked as he placed both of his hands in my shoulder as my tears continue to fall down, I burried my face into his chest and cried even harder as he wrapped his arms around me. "Shh.. Let it out, I'm here." He said as he caress my hair softly.

After few minutes pass I had finally stopped crying slightly and only soft sobs were coming out from me, I look up at Chanyeol who wiped away few tear stains in my cheeks softly while caressing my cheek with his thumb. "You can tell me what happened, when you're ready. Okay?" He said in which I nod my head and hugged him again tightly.

"Thank you Chanyeol, I promise I will tell you." I said as he nods his head understanding me. "We need to go back to the party, people will start notice where you went off. Now that Baekhyun is nowhere to be seen too." Chanyeol said as he takes me by the hand and guide me back.

We got back to our table and I saw Taeyeon beside Baekhyun smiling happily towards me. "Hey Minah~ you're here too, Chanyeol is your boyfriend?" She asked while still smiling in which made me stiff for a moment as Baekhyun chuckle and shake his head. "She's my wife Taeyeon." He simply said like nothing happened to them earlier, I took my seat beside Baekhyun silently not responding to Taeyeon. I accidentally pull off the cloth in the table slightly and saw their hands holding making me feel uncomfortable and uneasy to look at them both.

This is gonna be a long night, will I ever survive this torture?
Or will I end up running right now?
Why are you doing this Baekhyun-ah~

*Chanyeol's POV*

Why is Taeyeon here all of a sudden?
Is she the reason why, Minah cried earlier? I thought as I steal few glances at Taeyeon to Baekhyun then to Minah who was looking down like a lifeless dummy and once a time looks up to the couple beside her. "Say since when did you get back here in korea, Taeyeon?" I asked as she turns her attention to me.

"Oh I've just came here a few days ago~" She said while smiling while slowly turning her head to Baekhyun while still smiling, I can't help but to curl my fist into ball seeing them like this especially when Minah is feeling down because her husband is neglecting her. The party went on with Minah feeling down up to the end she was only showing forced smile as Baekhyun made his speech and introduce her as his wife.

After the party my sister went home with her husband while me, Taeyeon, Baekhyun and, Minah were out the press were gone and four of us are free. "So Mr. Kim is your uncle.. I didn't know that." Baekhyun said as he walk ahead slightly with Taeyeon while Minah follwed them from behind. I can't help it anymore this time I had to do something. "Yo! Baek, you should take your Wife home now she might be tired." I said as I called on towards him and emphasizing the word wife.

Baekhyun gave me a look in which I shrug while he went towards Minah who is still looking down. "Are you alright? Come on.. Lets go home." He said to her and took her by the arm slightly. "I apologize, Minah isn't feeling well. Maybe we can talk tomorrow again Taeyeon." Baekhyun said as Taeyeon nodded with a seemingly fake smile at him then to Minah. "Get some rest Minah-ssi." She said in which Minah only nodded her head.

After that event Minah and Baekhyun drove away with their car to go home, leaving me with Taeyeon. "Baekhyun doesn't see her as his wife, you know.." Taeyeon started while I was walking towards my own car. "Its their relationship Taeyeon, so back off." I said as I glared slightly at her, while she chuckled dryly. "Whatever, like you're gonna stop me and that Minah can do anything. Hmm.. Anyways I need to go now, bye Yeol~" She said then walked off towards her own car and drove away too.

Soon after I drove my own car towards my home. What are you planning Taeyeon? *sighs* I wonder how's Minah.

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