Chapter 3: Getting Rescued

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      My eyes slowly blinked open as I found myself being carried by men in black towards a door down a hallway.

They opened the door by putting in some code and then turning the block on the door that acted like the doorknob by pushing it down and then pulling the door open.

They pushed me into the room as if it were a jail cell, there was a chair in the middle of the room and nothing else.

One of the guards walked into the room and grabbed my shirt to pull me up.

"Get up!" He said.

I did what he said since I couldn't do anything to stop them.

"Sit down!" He demanded, somehow more aggressively than the last thing he said.

I regrettably turned around and sat down in the chair as the man tied me down in the chair so that I couldn't move.

The man closed the door behind him, looked back at me and just stared into my eyes.

There was one light in the middle of the ceiling, it was enough to light up the room, but it constantly made a small buzzing noise.

The man also wore black clothing with a little badge on his shirt of a white Fox face.

He had blue eyes and black hair.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asked.

"Umm, no, no I don't." I replied.

"You're here because I have questions and I would like answers. First question being, where are your plans and technology?" He questioned.

"Why should I tell you?!" I remarked.

"Because if you don't then we'll make you! First I'll punch you hard, then I'll go to extreme measures. Now, I'll ask again, were y'all planning on stopping us?" He said, angrily.

"You think you scare me? I've been trained for this, it's practically our code not to tell classified information." I said.

The man then punched me in the jaw and my face was forcefully pushed to the right.

Blood was now coming out from my nose.

"Tell me!" He yelled.

"Never!" I yelled back.

"That's it, I don't have time for this." He said.

The man sighed in anger and pulled out a 9mm pistol from his pocket and cocked it back and pointed it at my head.

"Do you think that just because you are a part of a federation that's destroyed us once will scare me? I'm not afraid of just killing you right here and right now.

I guess you just need something to persuade you, and persuade you I will. So, tell me, or I'm going to blow your brains out with this pistol and you will no longer be breathing. Last change." The man said.

"Heh, nice try, but we both know that you won't kill me. I'm all that you have right now." I said confidently.

"There's many more of you, now tell me!" He yelled.

He moved his trigger finger closer to the trigger, this scared me and I had no choice but to tell him.

"Fine! Fine, I'll tell you! Our plans are scattered around from base to base!" I yelled.

"Nice try, trying to get me to believe that, but what is the GCO then?" He asked.

My heart dropped in fear.

I was quiet for a second until he whacked me across the face with the gun.

Blood was now on the side of the gun from my face, it hurt like crazy, but I couldn't do anything to stop him.

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