Jared sighed as he looked into the flickering flames of the small, smokeless fire Gereth had once again lit for them. He was sitting on his haunches, the warmth of his meal of fresh rabbit and dry travel bread sitting nicely in his belly. It had been two full days since that brief contact with Nikeera and the tuathan princess had yet to contact them again to set up her jump to join them. This was the evening of the third day.
The two travelers had made good time through the outer edges of the dark, forbidding old growth forest that was the Danath. Thankfully the snow capped peaks of the Muul kerKerath were clearly visible in the cool, early spring air through the trees, giving them a goal to aim for. Which was good because, as soon as they penetrated the Danath, they were immediately besieged by hundreds of the forest's wood spirits, just as the book had warned. The brownies and faeries they dealt with as they strode beneath the spreading boughs of great fir and pine. The big trees, ancient in their own right, shadowed the forest floor so well that only at high noon did Gereth and Jared get to see Ethaeron's three suns to determine the hour of the day.
The dryads however, quickly proved to be more of a challenge than Jared originally thought they would be. Forest nymphs that wore the form of young women and not much else, they left their hidden glades when they sensed Jared's griffon magic mixed with his native power as he strode through their midst. Following his power like a piper's song, they quickly found Jared and his sturdy MuulHaden companion as they stumped underneath the trees.
At first Jared was flattered at the seductive suggestions the dryads flung at them from their perches high in the tree branches. But, as the suggestions became more and more ribald, he found them harder to ignore even with Nikeera's face in his mind's eye. That is, until Gereth informed him that, while the fruit was sweet in the arms of a dryad, he would be a virtual prisoner until he died. Once they took him to their bosom, the forest spirits would never let him go. Heeding his own advice, Gereth had stumped resolutely forward after that, looking neither left nor right.
The chilling revelation was enough to steel Jared's resolve as well, and for the remainder of that day as they traveled through the Denath, he too kept his eyes on the trail. The dryads, unfortunately, were persistent. The griffon magic drew them like moths to a fire. Despite all of their efforts, the two young men found their camp surrounded that first night by the dancing sprites, the air filled with their seductive whispering. And at midnight, emboldened by some force, the dryads had actually slipped into the camp itself, despite the danger the fire presented them.
Two bolder ones managed to steal enough courage to come to where Jared had slept, curled up in his blanket beside the flickering flames of the fire while Gereth sat on watch. Somehow they eluded the vigilant muuler to come close enough to Jared to breath on his face. The warm, pine-scented breath was enough to make the big man stir restlessly in his sleep, his Second Sight coming to life without his control. And their touch, as light as a feather on his face, was enough to send sensuous and sexually charged images rolling across his awakened Second Sight.
The big griffon rider had awakened the next morning with his clothing sweat soaked despite the chill, his strength stolen by his lack of good sleep. At least, that's what he thought it was stolen by. Angry that he let the dryads get that close, Jared's rage was enough to propel him through the forest that day despite his flagging strength. And the next night he resolved it wouldn't happen again.
Jared glanced over the fire at the sleeping form of his comrade. Gereth had volunteered to take first watch again, so Jared could try and get as much sleep as possible. Because on this, their third night, he felt completely drained after the second night had been much the same as the first. Which was why he refused. He wanted to be awake when the dryads attempted to come into their camp a third time. 'And I know they will!' he thought darkly, returning his gaze to the dancing fire. Already he could hear their whispering, feel their presence out beyond the small circle of light cast by the fire. 'Especially considering what Gereth told me yesterday!'
Eternal Beasts
FantasyJared Turcott is a child of two Realities. In the one he knows, he is the son of an infamous lawyer and his socialite wife, plagued by mental illness and doubt. And in the other, the one he doesn't know, he is the potential Lord of an Eternal Beast...