2. Alejandro x badass gn!reader

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A/N: Thank you for this request melodykissez !! I'm sorry that it took quite a while to complete, I had school exams and they were very important. Thank you for your patience and enjoy!! Again, anything in Spanish is in bold bc I cant trust google translate.


Colonel Alejandro Vargas, leader of Los Vaqueros. He was a man who knew what he needed to do, when to do it and how to do it. He was a man of sleek precision and grace. But that all changed the moment you joined Los Vaqueros almost ten years ago.

On the field, your code name was 'Ace'. You had other names, one of them being 'stone cold bitch' . You don't know how you earned that name, but you didn't care. Your main focus was your work.

You were currently in a meeting. Sat with you was the Colonel, Sergeant Major Rodolfo 'Rudy' Parra, and some of the higher rank vaqueros. The discussion was about a man called Major Hassan Zyani. He was a Quds Force Major and General Ghorbranni's right hand man. When allies of yours destroyed the target containing Russian missiles and killing the General, Zyani wanted revenge. A CIA agent, Kate Laswell, gave you all the info she had about his plans. Hassan and his AQA fighters, along with some of El Sin Nombre's men, were storing American missiles that had most likely been stolen.
Apparently there are three of them. So far, one has been found and destroyed by Sergeant John 'Soap' Mactavish and Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley from direct orders given by General Shepherd.

Last night, Laswell gave you a call about Hassan, saying he was going to cross the border to the US. Honestly, you believed it was a lie because terrorists don't cross the southern border. But Hassan knew that and wanted to use that as an advantage. You was also given information saying the Las Almas Cartel was helping him cross the border. This was big. El Sin Nombre helping harbour a terrorist? If they were not stopped, all hell would break loose. You had to stop it, or more innocents would be killed.

So today, You, Alejandro and Rudy headed down to the border to do what you could. After all, if Hassan crossed the border, you would have no jurisdiction in the US. So you had to be careful.
And as you feared, Hassan had crossed the border. But, determined as you three were, you crossed the border, even though you know the risks of being mistaken for the cartel.
You were able to get in contact with local PD after some searching, who were instantly killed by something exploding. The three of you were slightly injured, but you had to carry on.
You all went to the 2 story blue house Ale had described before the little ambush, deciding that you and Rudy would sweep interior and Alejandro on exterior. You and Rudy decided to split up, you doing upstairs and him doing downstairs and then joining Ale once he was done, which was all agreed on.
But, as you was searching upstairs, you got to one rooms and as you opened the door, you were shot at, but you took out your pistol and killed the shooter, only to be struck in the back of the head. You couldn't get up. You were vulnerable. Then he appeared. Hassan.

"Do you know who I am?"

"You're a terrorist, pendejo."

"No. I am a soldier. And I am here to fight, just like you. I am here for revenge."
His men started pouring gasoline around the room.
One of them pointed his gun at you, but Hassan stopped him.
"No. Let the pretty one burn, like Ghorbranni did. Maybe if someone like them dies, their people will feel like I do."
As he said that, the room set ablaze, and they left.
You were all on your own.
"Y/N! I'm seeing smoke! What's going on up there?"
"No, Colonel. I'm not getting out of here."
"What do you mean!? Y/N!!"
"Hassan...is moving something. Something big."
"Hassan is... moving something... across... the Atlantic..."
Your comms had stopped. This was it. You were going to die here. At least you did good in your life. You couldn't breathe properly anymore due to the smoke and gave up trying to resist it.
When all of a sudden Alejandro burst through the door, insisting that you got out alive.
"Hold on, Y/N!"
That was all you remembered before you passed out in his arms.

Time skip!!!!

When you woke up, you was lying in a hospital bed. Your vision was funny, like it always is. You tried to sit up, but was unsuccessful the first time - you got there eventually.
While doing that, you didn't notice the figure in your doorway. When you looked up Alejandro was there.

"Amor - you're okay! I was so worried you wouldn't wake up that I haven't slept."
"I'm okay. I think so, anyway. I'm sore. Definitely sore. And dizzy, but that's normal. You don't need to worry about me, Ale. I'm a tough bitch. Takes one hell of a hit to put me down."
"That's why you're such a badass, y/n."
"Really? I'm anything but a badass after what happened!"
You both couldn't help but laugh, even if it hurt you. He always knew how to make you smile in situations like this. That's why you loved him. His compassion was one like no other.
"How long has it been since...."
"A week."
"Fucking hell."
"At least you'll heal quite quickly."
"Can't complain to that."
He smiled. That god damn smile that always melted your heart.
"Alejandro! One of your men told me you'd be here -" A man with a mohawk and a very strong Scottish accent walked in.
He looked at you.
"Uh, if you're busy I can just -"
"No, no. It's fine."
Ah, that's why he sounded familiar.
"Sergeant Mactavish. This is Lieutenant Colonel Vargas. My superior officer," Alejandro continued.
"Nice to meet you, Soap. Laswell told us that you destroyed that missile with Ghost," You replied.
Soap smiled. You could already tell he was gonna be a fun one.
Then someone else walked in.
"Lieutenant," You spoke, smiling shortly after.
"LTC, good to see you again," Ghost replied.
"You and Ghost know each other?" Alejandro asked, just as confused as Soap.
"We've worked on a few missions together. We also grew up together," You replied.
"You didn't tell me?"
"It wasn't need to know at the time, carino."
"At least you were honest, dear."
"Can you two stop flirting?" Ghost asked.
"How 'bout you and Soap stop undressing each other with your eyes?" You replied.
"English, please." Ghost spoke, sternly.
You looked next to you to see Alejandro laughing at your comment.
"What's so funny? What did she say?" Soap asked, confused as fuck.
His question was ignored.
Alejandro looked to you.
"That's why you're a badass."
"Oh shush."
Ghost and Soap got the hint after you mouthed 'FUCK OFF' to them several times before actually leaving the room.
"The way you speak, my love. It drives me insane."
"Look at you... I would DIE for you. I would KILL for you -"
"Ale!! The nurse is here."
"No need to apologise."
The nurse came in to change your bandages, and then left. She was a very nice woman, very shy though.
"My love. I've watched you massacre hundreds because you forgot to be stealthy. You're completely unphased by those who attack you. You destroy all enemies in your path. You complete your missions,tasks, anything given to you with the best effort I've ever seen. You're an amazing being. One so beautiful and so kind, so compassionate. Always there for others in their time of need. That's why I think you're a badass. But also in your own, motherly way. That's why I fell for you."
"You used to follow me like a lost puppy. It was adorable seeing you be like that."
"Remember when we got married?"
"How could I ever forget that day? You were different that night. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. And I begged. And begged. For you to do it again."
"Oh, my love. You do know how to make me melt."
"Indeed I do."
You looked at the clock. 9:57pm. It was a good idea to get some rest now before tomorrow's mission. Capturing El Sin Nombre for interrogation to find the locations of the other missiles.
"My love."
"I think I should get some rest, so I'll be all good for tomorrow's mission."
"Good idea. I do need rest myself."
"There's no spare bed in here, Ale. You'll have to go to our room tonight on your own."
"That's okay, my dear. I'll be up and ready for you in the morning."
You guys shared a passionate kiss before you both separated - just for tonight.
"I love you."
"I love you more. More than words can explain it."


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