Chapter Four.

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"There disgusting Olivia! Please don't make me drink them." Emmy shouted. Olivia had been trying to get her to drink her nutrition drinks for a hour now. She'd took one sip and refused to drink anymore.
"Please Emmy. They will make you big and strong. You don't want to end up in the hospital again, do you?" Olivia begged, holding the little plastic bottle out to Emmy.
"No."  She crossed her arms and pouted. "But I'm still not drinking it."
Olivia threw her arms up into the air. Emmy stamped her foot and ran off to somewhere else in the house. They'd only been home an hour and already Olivia felt like she was failing. She sat down on the sofa and put her head in her hands. Emmy was troubled she knew that and was scared of what was to come. Excited too but mainly scared. She had no idea what Emmy had fully been through and was a little scared to ask. She wanted to wait for Emmy to come to her in her own time. Olivia heard the pitter patter of feet and Emmy came to a halt in front of her.
"I'm sorry." Emmy said with sadness in her voice. Olivia looked at the girl, she did look very sorry for herself. "I'll drink it. Please let me stay here." Olivia handed her the bottle and Emmy drank it. You could see the disgust written all over her face. 2 minutes later she was done and Emmy handed Olivia the empty bottle.
"Come here sweetie." Olivia said as Emmy hoisted herself onto Olivia's lap. "I won't send you back. But you must drink these milkshakes. I know they're yacky but it's for your own good, okay?"
"Okay." Emmy muttered, putting her arms around Olivia's neck. "Can I stay here forever?"
"I don't know hunny. We'll have to see what the social worker says. But for now it's bedtime."
"But where do I sleep?"
"You can sleep in my bed with me or I can have the sofa and you sleep in my bed by yourself. You choose?"
"I don't mind sharing." Emmy smiled and climbed off Olivia.
"Right! Let's see if I can find you something to wear to bed then we'll go shopping tomorrow and get you some clothes."
Emmy smiled and gave Olivia a hug.
"Thank you Olivia."

Emmy went to sleep almost instantly. She must have being exhausted. Olivia was glad, she was worried that Emmy wouldn't settle because she's in a new environment. Olivia lay there thinking about the past few days, watching Emmy's little chest rising and falling. She was so peaceful. Olivia was desperate to know what happened to the little girl, she wanted to help her. She felt so attached to Emmy already, her maternal instincts were going crazy. She wanted nothing more than to keep this child and she felt stupid that she was so attached already. She shut her eyes and willed herself to sleep. She knew she would have to fight to keep Emmy but she didn't care,it would be worth it. She refused to let this child go into the system, she had being through enough already. Emmy had being asleep over 4 hours already when Olivia started dropping off. Then her phone rang. Who was ringing her at this time?! It better not be work. Olivia grabbed her phone and pressed the accept button.
"Detective Benson." Olivia said, not wanting to talk too loud in case she woke Emmy up.
"Hi Liv, it's Amanda. I'm so sorry it's so late but I have some important news."
"Hang on, let me go into the living room. Emmy's asleep right next to me." Olivia quickly got out of bed and tipped toed across the room and out of her bedroom door.
"Fire away."
"I've just spoke to Detective Huff. They have Emmy's parents in custody." Amanda said, in a voice that sounded very grave."They won't admit to it. They say that Emmy is always making up lies."
"Typical. I'm 99% sure she's not making this up, you didn't hear the fear in her voice."
"I believe you. You need to get Emmy to make a statement. Detective Huff and his team are going to check out the house. I need more information Liv."
"Okay. I'll speak to her when she wakes up."
"Please do Liv. We need this information as soon as possible. Otherwise Emmy may have to go back."
"That's NOT happening, Amanda. I'll get it."
"Speak later Liv." Amanda put the phone down and Olivia sunk into the sofa and started to sob. She knew Emmy wasn't lying but if she wouldn't say what had happened she could be forced to go back there. She refused to let that happen. So much for sleep, Olivia thought. She was desperately thinking how she could prove what happened and that they weren't her birth parents.
Birth certificate.
Where was her birth certificate?

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