Chapter Seven.

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Olivia tried to stay calm but it was hard, her baby was hurt, very hurt. When she opened the door, she didn't expect the sight she saw. Emmy was lying on the bathroom floor, her wrists spurting blood. It looked like she'd smashed into one of Olivia's razors and used that. Olivia couldn't believe her eyes, her baby was 8 years old and she'd resorted to self harm. There was no warning, no signs. Olivia knelt down beside Emmy and checked her pulse, faint but there. She grabbed several towels from the side and wrapped them tightly around Emmy's wrists. Then she grabbed her phone from her pocket and dialled 911.
"911, what's your emergency?" the operator on the other end said, in a monotone like voice.
"I need an ambulance. My foster daughter has slit her wrists." Olivia said, quickly while she was holding the towels tightly around Emmy's wrists.
"98 Cross Street."
"They're on their way."
The line went dead and Olivia threw her phone on the floor.
"Emmy. Emmy, sweetie what did you do?"
Emmy's eyes flicked but she didn't reply, her pulse was still very faint.
Olivia started crying, wondering how the hell she missed this. She decided she would give Dr. Huang a call. She felt absolutely devastated.
"Mummy." Emmy muttered quietly.
"Hunny, it's Olivia."
"No. You're my mummy, you are. I love you."
Olivia's tears increased and she had to fight from picking her up and hugging her.
"I'm sorry." Emmy mumbled, her body shaking violently. She was probably going into shock. Where was the ambulance?!
"No. I'm the one who should be sorry."
There was a loud rap on the door.
"It's open." Olivia shouted,relieved the paramedics were here.
They rushed in and starting working on her straight away. She heard their gasps of shock, probably at how young she is.
Olivia stood there feeling herself falling apart. She watched them as they bandaged her wrists up and lifted her onto the gurney. Her little body, frail and broken lay there and Olivia's heart broke all over again.

"What the hell happened Liv?!" Amanda said, taking a seat next to Olivia, who'd been sat in the waiting room while they tried to stabilise Emmy.
"I don't know." Olivia said, her voice shaking. "She woke up and was in a trance like state, I tried to hug her and she told me not to touch her. She went into the bathroom and I found her with her wrists slit."
"Oh my god." Amanda replied, horror evident in her face. Olivia and Amanda had being good friend since Amanda joined the team. They were like two peas in a pod. They'd especially got closer after the awful assault on Liv.
"Can you please get Dr. Huang to come and assess her?"
"Sure. Give me a hour or so."
Amanda got up and walked away and Olivia resumed waiting for the doctor.
"Miss Benson?" A doctor asked as he walked out of the room that Emmy was in. Olivia got to her feet immediately.
"Your daughter is going to be okay. She lost a lot of blood, she's on a blood transfusion now to replace what she lost. Do you have any idea what caused to her to do this to herself?" the doctor said, in a professional but sympathetic manner.
"No idea, doctor. I have a psychiatrist on his way, it's someone who I trust. She's been through a lot of trauma. Is she awake?" Olivia replied.
"Yes. She's very weak though so take it easy on her."
The doctor smiled and Olivia walked into Emmy's room. The little girl looked up at her, her eyes filled with terror.
"Emmy." Olivia said, trying to hold back more tears from falling.
"I'm sorry, Olivia. I don't know what happened. They say I did this to myself, but I don't remember. I'm sorry, please don't send me back." Emmy cried, her eyes pouring with tears.
"Sweetie, I'd never send you back. Your mine now." Olivia rushed over to her side, she pulled up a chair and sat down taking Emmy's hand in hers.
"I love you, Olivia. You're my best friend."
Olivia smiled and brushed a strand of hair from Emmy's face.
"I love you too hunny. Why don't you try and get some sleep." Emmy closed her eyes and 2 minutes later, she was fast asleep.
An hour later Amanda entered the room followed by Dr. Huang.
"Olivia." Dr. Huang said, with a sympathetic look in his eyes. Olivia trusted him to assess Emmy without judgement, they'd been friends for many years.
"George. Please help my baby." Olivia said, wanting to wrap her arms around him in relief. Emmy stirred and opened her eyes, staring at everybody in the room.
"I'll wait outside." Amanda said, leaving the room wanting to give them all some privacy. Amanda was worried, Olivia and her had been best friends for years. She knew how much Olivia wanted a child, and hoped to God she could handle this so soon after Lewis.

"Emmy, do you want to tell me what happened?" Dr. Huang asked.
"I don't remember. I just remember Olivia looking over at me. She was crying. and my arms hurt." Emmy said, looking confused, like she was trying to remember what happened. Olivia cringed as she remembered that horrible sight.
"Okay. Do you remember how you felt before?"
"I was feeling scared because the nasty people escaped."
"Do you want to tell me about the nasty people?"
"What about what they did to you?"
"NO." Emmy screamed, burying her head under the duvet.
"Maybe that's enough for now." Dr. Huang said, sensing that maybe now wasn't the best time. "Liv, can I speak to you outside."
Olivia looked over at Emmy and exited the room, following Dr. Huang.
"I think Emmy suffered a dissociative episode. It's quite common in children who've suffered trauma." Dr. Huang said.
"So, is this likely to happen again?" Olivia looked horrified.
"Maybe. It's difficult to say. I'd get her into therapy. But it's clearly still very raw for Emmy. She might not be ready to talk about it yet."
Olivia sighed.
"Thanks George."
"When she's feeling a little better, maybe when you're back home. I'll come and do a full mental health assessment. She more than likely has PTSD."
Olivia knew full well what PTSD felt like, and she hated to think Emmy was going through the pain and suffering she'd endured for months when it was still raw with Lewis. She still had a long way to go. She went back into Emmy and just looked at the little girl. She was even more determined, if that was even possible, to take care of this girl and make sure no more harm came to her. Olivia was so wrapped up in thought that she didn't notice the young woman stood behind her at the open door, staring at Emmy with a look of revenge in her eyes.

please let me know your thoughts? is there anything you want to see happen? I've got an idea coming up. But I feel like I'm running out of ideas? don't forget to vote <3

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