Chapter Eight.

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 Olivia quietly crept out of Emmy's hospital room, she needed to go home to take a shower. She didn't leave before she made sure there was an officer outside Emmy's door, in case her fake parents turned up. 

"Don't leave this door. Do not let anyone in. Do you hear me?!" Olivia sternly said to the police officer. 

"Don't worry Detective Benson, they'll have to kill me to get in." He joked. 

"Don't make jokes like that." Olivia said whilst walking away. "Don't let anyone take my baby." 

Olivia quickly made her way to the hospital car park , all the time worrying that something would go wrong with Emmy. She kept telling herself to stop being so stupid, her fake parents had no idea where in New York she would be and plus the officer she chose to watch Emmy was a good one, she knew him personally. He wasn't kidding when he said they'd have to kill him to get to Emmy. She got into her car and drove off, still praying that Emmy would be safe while she was gone. 


 "Shut the fuck up Mark." Claire Matthews said as they sped down the street. "It was Emmy all right. She was all wired up and shit. And some woman was with her." 

"Well how about we go get her NOW. No time like the present. The little brat has to pay." Mark said with a sly smile across his lips. "We take a gun each, shoot anyone who gets in the way, we get the girl and take her to the cabin. A blood bath would be fun too ay."

Claire smiled back at her boyfriend and her hand slowly slid down to where his crotch was. 

"Babe, no. We have business." 

Claire moved her hand away and crossed her arms like she was sulking. The hospital came into view and the partners parked the car up and got out. They both slid the guns into there jackets and started the walk to the pediatric ward. They walked side by side trying to hide the sly smiles that were about to creep over their faces. They entered the ward and got their guns out. 

"You go that way." Claire said. "Surprise them from both sides, then they've got no chance."

Mark nodded and stalked around the corner. Claire carried on until she got to the reception desk where a group of young nurses were chatting and giggling. 

"Everybody get on the ground." Claire shouted, pointing her gun at the nurses. They all screamed and flew to the floor in fear. Claire's arm shook as she waved the gun at various nurses and doctors. A bullet went off in the background and she knew then that Mark had shot someone. 

"Wheres Emma Matthews?!" Claire screamed at a young blonde nurse who looked terrified out of her wits. She knew where Emmy was, but didn't want to waste any time so double checked. 

"Walk to the end of the corridor and its the first room on your left." The nurse said, her voice shaking. Claire was thinking she probably had never had anything more terrifying happen in her life, she looked about 19. Claire turned round and came face to face with a angry looking police officer. 

"Put the gun down and nobody gets hurt." The policeman said, no fear in his voice. Claire smiled and her fingers tightened around the trigger. 

BANG. The police officer fell to the floor, blood pouring from his chest. He gripped his chest in obvious pain. More gunshots went off in the background. Claire smirked, her boyfriend could never resist a bloodbath. She kicked the dying officer in the arm and carried onto to Emmy's room. She came to the door and opened it. She found Emmy shaking on the bed, tears in her eyes, she was screaming for someone called Olivia. 

"Shut the fuck up girl. You tried to get away but I've got you and your going to pay. You'll be sorry you ever double crossed us." Claire screeched and picked up the screaming child. Emmy was kicking but Claire was strong. She wasn't going to let her get away for a second time. Claire knew they had to get out of there, the police would be on the way and now they'd be wanted for murder as well as kidnapping and child endangerment. She didn't give a shit, all she wanted to do was teach Emmy a lesson then her and Mark would skip town and try to get abroad. Failing that, they'd commit suicide. No way were they going to jail, she knew what people did to child abusers. She ran back down the corridor and saw Mark was waiting for her at the entrance. He defiantly looked like he'd had fun, there were at least 10 casualties including the officer she'd shot. 

"We need to get out of here." Claire shouted. They both smiled at each other and exited the ward and ran towards the car park. 


 "Shit." Amanda said, as she tried to make her way through the chaotic children's ward. "These guys are more dangerous than we first thought, and they've now got Emmy." She looked over at Nick and bit her lip, they both knew they needed to let Liv know what had gone down. None of them wanted to be that bearer of news. Amanda took her phone out of her pocket and dialed Olivia's number. 

"Liv." Amanda said, trying to keep her voice calm. "You need to get down here right now." She bit her lip and put her head down in pain. "Emmy's gone." 

Saving Emmy (Law and Order SVU) CURRENTLY EDITING. Where stories live. Discover now