Chapter Twelve.

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Olivia went and got the paint for Emmy's new room. She had got some cute elephant wallpaper and some light pink paint. She was so excited to paint Emmy's room.

When she got home, she got straight to work. She knew it wouldn't take her long. Once she'd put up 1 wall of wallpaper she went and sat down with a cup of coffee. That's when her phone started ringing.


"Hi Liv. It's Fin."

"Hey Fin. How's it going?"

"I've got some bad news. Mark Matthews was found dead this morning."

"Oh my god. What happened? What about Claire?"

"He was killed with a rock. Someone had hit him repeatedly over the head with it. Claire's no where to be found."

"Oh gosh. Do you think Claire did it?"

"There running the fingerprints now. Look I gotta go but I'll keep you updated."

"Bye Fin."

Olivia put her phone down on the sofa and sat, frozen. It sounded like Claire had completely lost the plot. She'd murdered her husband. They didn't know that for sure but she was sure that's what had happened.

She sipped her coffee and felt sick with worry. She'd never stop worrying about Emmy. But she knew she'd feel a little more relaxed once Claire was out of the picture.

She finished her coffee and went to finish Emmy's room.

"Thanks Amanda! I really appreciate you looking after her." Olivia said, as she put Emmy's backpack in the back of the car.

"Any time Liv. She's an angel!"

"Say goodbye Emmy."

"Bye Aunty Amanda!"

She waved out of the back window as Olivia drove away.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. Loads of fun! We played puzzle and then I got cookies for being a good girl."

Olivia smiled. "Well done!"

They arrived back at the apartment not long after and Olivia couldn't wait to show Emmy her new bedroom.

"Ems, I've got a surprise for you." Olivia said, excitedly.

Emmy smiled up at Olivia. "What is it?"

"Come on, I'll show you."

Olivia took Emmy's hand and led her towards her bedroom.

"Shut your eyes." Emmy screwed her eyes shut.

"Okay. 1, 2, 3. Open them!!"

Emmy opened her eyes and they immediately widened. She walked around her new bedroom with her mouth hanging open.

"Oh, I love it, I love it!"

Emmy started dancing around her new room and Olivia chuckled.

"Right sweetie. It's time to get ready for bed. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Tomorrow was the day they went down to see the social worker. It was time to see if Olivia would be allowed to keep Emmy or whether she'd need to go into foster care.

Olivia helped Emmy get her pajamas on and snuggled her down into bed.

"Come get me if you need anything hunnie." Olivia said, kissing the top of Emmy's head. Emmy gave her a sleepy smile and shut her eyes.

Olivia and Emmy ate breakfast as quick as they could. They were running late to see the social worker. Olivia was really nervous, she really wanted to keep Emmy. She was helping her so much after her assault. Focusing on Emmy was helping her to heal.

"Let's go." Olivia said as she finished tying up Emmy's shoes.

They both piled into the car and Olivia drove to the family court. Olivia had butterflies dancing around in her stomach, Emmy looked just as nervous even though she didn't really know what was going on.

Olivia sat down in the waiting room, Emmy on her knee. She resisted the urge to bounce her leg with anxiety.

"Miss Benson?" A woman said, poking her head out of the door.

"That's me." Olivia said, popping Emmy on the ground and standing up.

"Can I talk to Emmy alone first? Then I'll call you in."

Olivia bent down to Emmy's level and took her hands in hers.

"You go and talk to the nice lady." Olivia said. "Go and tell her the truth, okay?"

Emmy nodded and walked over to the woman, they walked into the room and shut the door. Emmy climbed up on a chair.

"So Emma. My name is Mrs Gerry. I just want to ask you a few questions."

"Okay." Emmy said, swinging her legs as the chair was so high up.

"Do you like Miss Benson?"

"Yes. I love Olivia. She looks after me."

Mrs Gerry smiled and nodded, writing something down on her paper.

"What happened before Olivia took you in?"

"Nasty people hurt me. Then Olivia looked after me and made me happy again."

"Would you like to live with Olivia permanently?"

"What does that mean?" Emmy asked, cocking her head to the side.


"Yes." Emmy said, eagerly nodding.

Mrs Gerry finished jotting something down and went to call Olivia in.

Olivia sat down and smiled at Emmy.

"So, Emmy has made it clear that she'd like to stay with you. I need to ask you a few questions now."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Can you look after a small child?"

"Yes. I can. I think I've proved myself with that over these last few weeks."

"Can you afford clothes, food and everything Emma will need? and have you got the time for a child."

"Yes. I have a very good job and I have already cut back my hours."

"Very well. I want you to continue fostering her for another month. Then if all is still well, she is yours."

Olivia smiled. This month was going to feel like forever, she just wanted to call Emmy her own.

"Thank you Mrs Gerry." Emmy said, sweetly.

Olivia picked Emmy up and they walked out of the family court.

"Soon, you'll be all mine babygirl." Olivia whispered into Emmy's ear. "Let's go home."

A/N - please comment and vote. Let me know what you think :) any predictions on what's going to happen next?
I'm really amazed at how many people have read this and commented and voted :) it makes me so happy. - Charleigh  xx

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