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Draco Malfoy, the seventeen year old son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, has just learned that he'll be a father.

A father... a father when he's still a child himself.


Draco wiped the tears that fell from his cheeks silently as he looked once more at his father.

"Father, I..." Draco began, but his father shook his head.

"The Battle of Hogwarts has just ended, Draco. Harry and his friends have buried Snape and this is how you repay me, by knocking up the Granger girl? How could you be so stupid?" Lucius snapped at his son, striking a hand over his left cheek, making Draco put a trembling hand over his cheek.

The stinging sensation was there, but Draco wished his pain was gone. Lucius had never been a loving father, and now his fear of being a father was set upon by Granger bearing his child in the coming months.

Narcissa sighed heavily, pulling her son towards her. She kissed his head and glared at her husband.

"Stop being so childish, Lucius! How dare you raise a hand to our child! He has done nothing wrong. This child is a blessing to our dreary lives!" She yelled at him.

Lucius scoffed, going to the hallway of the Manor before turning back and looking at his son.

"I hope the Mudblood loses the child, Draco. We don't need a filthy baby here! I don't even like children! Here, give her this. It'll help her... rid of the demon spawn," he spoke gently, which was rare, and handed Draco a bag.

Draco opened the bag, revealing a single white pill no bigger than his pinkie finger.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's a pill the Muggle world has conjured up to empty a woman's body of a child."

Lucius didn't miss the look of horror on his son's face, but then was replaced by a tight-lipped grimace.

"It'll be best for all of us if we didn't have a child to take care of," Lucius said, sighing before retreating upstairs to his office.

Draco's lip quivered, as he looked over at his mother. His mother, his rock, his stronghold, his greatest love.

Narcissa sighed, moving a piece of hair away from Draco's face, and looked at his silver eyes.

"I know that your father isn't the kindest. He's ruthless and heartless. But somewhere deep inside, he feels a love for this child."

"But Mum, I'm still a child! I cannot be a father!" Draco said, burying his head into her chest like he used to when he was younger.

"Think of Hermione, Draco. She has no one but the two thirds of the golden trio. Her parents are dead. Her mentor is dead. She is terrified. She is scared to have a child in this world. You must be there, to raise your child. The child growing inside of Hermione Granger shares our blood, so therefore, you are entitled to care for the mother of your child. You must leave at once. Do not return to the Manor until the child is born. Then I will send an owl your way to let you know when it's safe for you to come back. Go now, son. I love you," Narcissa kissed her son's head before pushing him out the Manor's doors.

Draco stiffened a cry as his mother's screams of torture could be heard from inside the Manor. No doubt his father was taking his anger and frustration out on his wife.

Draco sighed, getting his wand out of his cloak sleeve before apparating to Hogwarts.

"I'm coming, Granger. I'm coming," he whispered.

Elsewhere, Hermione sat on the cool tile of the girls' loo, staring helplessly at the positive pregnancy test.

The flashbacks from last month's quidditch game came back to her. How Slytherin had won against Gryffindor and how the dementors had come and how Harry and Draco defeated them once again before they could take any more souls.

But the after-party, was where things started heating up.

Neville Longbottom, in his drunken stupor, challenged the four houses to a game of truth or dare.

Ron had laughed, kissed Lavender Brown, and encouraged a bet between him and Theodore Nott that Hermione and Draco would end up that night more than friends.

And, to her dismay, Hermione had been pinned up with Draco Malfoy.

It was just a dare. It wasn't meant more than a silly game. But what was a simple kiss in his chambers turned into much more, and now the two had to figure out parenthood.

"I've really messed up," she whispered.

She put her hand on her stomach, before tears quickly filled her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said. Not to herself, but to the innocent baby growing inside her.


Draco sighed against a wall in the castle, wiping his forehead that was now dripping with sweat. He was nervous, more nervous than he'd been when his father forced the dark mark on his forearm, forever burning his skin and leaving a scar he couldn't rid himself of.

He didn't want to be a death eater. It was his father, his father who never loved him, that forced him to turn to the darkness. Simply put, he was the boy with no choice.

Turning the knob to the girls' loo, he stopped short and pressed an ear to the door, listening to Granger's sobs of dismay.

He pressed his lips together and wiped his eyes; Draco Malfoy did not cry. So why was he crying over a girl he stupidly had slept with?


"Draco?" Hermione's voice came in a whisper, and her brown eyes locked onto his silver ones.

He smiled lightly, bringing himself down to the tile and pulling her to him.

For the first time, she allowed herself to crumble into her once-nemesis' embrace, and cry.

"Draco, I'm..." she started. He kissed her head and held her in his arms.

"I know, love. It's okay. We'll be okay," he murmured. Hermione cried more and he just held her.

"Hush now, little one. It'll be alright. I'm not going anywhere," he said, still holding onto her.

He fought back tears as he held her. He was a father. One drunken night with Hermione Granger had changed his world forever.


Draco Malfoy had never loved anyone else besides his mother, Narcissa.

But in this moment, on the cool tile of the girls' loo, he felt his heart soften for a girl with brunette curls and curious eyes.

A child was never in his plans. It wasn't even a thought.

His father had arranged years ago for him to marry Astoria, but he wouldn't mind marrying Granger.

That day, he made a vow. He'd be a better father to his child than his father ever was to him.

He'd make sure of it.

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