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Two months later

Draco sighed as he looked towards the women's clinic in London, whereby Hermione would be going to get her first ultrasound.

She had put an appointment off for quite a few weeks, having made excuses that she was simply too busy with schooling and perfecting her new life, but in reality, she was scared. She knew she was pregnant, and she was extra hormonal, but it hadn't really sunk it until now.

"Are you ready?" she asked the blonde boy beside her.

Draco turned and smiled. He nodded, and gave her his hand which she took.

"As ready as you, I bet. Come along, everything will be okay," he said.

The two walked inside the clinic, and Hermione had to stifle a laugh as her ex-boyfriend's sister and her friend Ginny, walked out of an examination room.

Harry walked out behind her, and Draco smirked.

"Wanna tell us what you and Weasley were doing in there, eh Potter?" He smiled towards Harry, who looked dumbfounded.

"We've just learnt that Ginny can't have children," he said. Ginny turned away and wiped her blood-shot eyes.

Draco bit his lip, for he was suddenly feeling guilty for making fun and now wished he hadn't said anything.

Hermione wrapped her arms around Ginny, murmuring apologies into her ear.

"I'm sorry, Potter," Draco said. And for once, he meant it.

Harry nodded knowingly and gave him a small smile before wrapping his arm around Ginny's back and began to leave the clinic.

Hermione turned to Draco. "I feel bad for her," she said.

"Me too. It's clear they want children," Draco said.

Hermione bit her lip before a nurse called them back.

"So, is this your first pregnancy?" The nurse asked.

Hermione nodded as she sat patiently on the scratchy cot.

"Lie back, then, and pull up your shirt," the nurse said before dimming the lights.

"No blood work?" Draco asked.

The nurse smiled. "Miss Granger sent in a blood sample last week. The results were positive."

Draco nodded. She's on task. Good.

"This might be cold," the nurse apologized as she put the gel on Hermione's stomach, causing her to jump slightly.

Draco instinctively took her hand and gave her a smile. "I'm here," he said.

Hermione nodded. The nurse started the
ultrasound, pointing with the mouse at the growing baby's features.

"You are thirteen weeks along. Would you like to know the gender?" The nurse asked.

The two shared a look before nodding. "Yes," Hermione said.


The Manor was silent. Lucius was fuming with rage at his wife's poor negligence that their only child, his heir, how much he loathed that term, was gone.

"You are a foolish woman. You do realize I only married you because you were with child? I've never loved you. I certainly don't love Draco; he's gotten himself into quite the mess," Lucius said, tapping lightly on his cane.

In the corner, Bellatrix chuckled, looking over at her sister. "Andromeda is turning in her grave as we speak, sister," Bellatrix hissed.

Lucius glared at his sister-in-law. "Silence."

Bellatrix's mouth was then fused shut by a flick of his wand.

He gave a menacing smile towards his wife.

"I'll be in my office. Do try to stay out of business that does not concern you," he growled before retreating back upstairs.

Narcissa sighed before sitting down on the velvet green sofa, putting her head in her hands and letting out a whimper.

"I'll be dead before the baby arrives. I just know it," she whispered.


"I won't stop until that baby is in my possession. Then, Bellatrix, you may do with it as you please," Lucius directed towards his sister-in-law a few days later.

Bellatrix laughed maniacally while Narcissa shook her head, repulsed at the thought of her grandchild being murdered just as Harry's parents, Lily and James, had been.


"Mione?" Ginny mused two weeks after the doctor's appointment with Draco.

"Hmm?" Hermione snapped to attention; she'd been scatterbrained after they'd gotten the results of the baby's gender, and to top it off, Lucius made a vow that he wouldn't stop stalking them until his grandson was born.

Ginny smiled lightly at her friend, and nodded knowingly. "It's not been easy, has it? What with Draco being moody and Lucius sending threats every day?"

Hermione nodded, fighting off the urge to sleep. She yawned, but Professor Flitwick tapped her shoulder.

"Miss Granger, pay attention, please. Now, Theodore, do the spell again as Miss Granger missed it."

A few students laughed, but Draco bit his lip to keep from telling them all to bugger off and leave her alone.

It wasn't exactly her fault she was scatterbrained or tired, nor was it Draco's. In fact, it wasn't even their son's. Blame it on his father and her extra hormones.

Theodore nodded and flicked his wand up and down.

"Accio!" he said, bringing his spellbook over to him.

Everyone cheered in response and that made Theo smile.

"When's the kid due, Granger?" he asked towards Hermione.

Draco's head snapped over to the two, and he felt sorrow for her. No one else knew she was pregnant other than Ginny, Harry, and Draco himself; this wasn't exactly the time or place to bring anything like that up.

"Leave her alone, Nott! It's none of your business!" Draco shouted; all eyes were on him as Theo scoffed.

"Ah, I see that mine and Ronald's bet worked out, then. Tell me, Granger. Was Draco good in bed?" He laughed.

Hermione felt her eyes brimming with tears; she shouldn't let others' harmful remarks about their unplanned pregnancy bother her, but they did. She only hoped her son wouldn't be the butt of the joke when he was here.

Draco bit his lip; he wouldn't give in to the promising opportunity to rip Theo's head off with a flick of his wand.

"Theodore Nott! Apologize to Miss Granger!" Flitwick shouted.

Theo laughed. "It's just fun and all. The Mudblood tramp and Malfoy."

Hermione let a tear slip down her face as Draco's fist collided with Theo's jaw; he was seeing nothing but red. How dare he insult her, he thought.

Draco sighed as he sat in the chair outside Mcgonagall's office. Theo was beside him with a bloody and bruised jaw and a black eye.

Hermione sniffled in the corner and rubbed her belly. The baby fluttered around in response, which made Hermione smile.

"Mister Nott, come in," McGonagall said, to which Theo followed her begrudgingly.

Draco smiled towards Hermione. He was feeling something for her in the short two months they'd been involved with one another.

He wished he could wrap his arms around her and shield her from this cruel world; her and his son.

Under the Wand: Dramione fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now