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Six years later

"Alright, are you ready to meet your baby sister?" Draco smiled at his son as they stood in front of the Muggle Hospital, Saint Anne's.

Scorpius nodded, clutching the stuffed snake closer to his chest. "But, Dad! Dumbley is scared! What if Lyra doesn't like Dumbley?"

Draco chuckled, lowering himself to his son's face, smoothing out his platinum-blonde hair and looking into his brown eyes.

"Dumbley is scared, huh? Well, Dumbley doesn't have to be scared, because I'm not leaving his side," Draco said, taking his son's hand. "Are you ready to meet your sister, lad?"

Scorpius grinned. "I hope she's pretty like Mummy!"

Draco laughed as they walked inside the hospital and took the elevator to the maternity ward where Harry and Ginny were sitting in the waiting room, five year old James at their feet playing with a toy train, four year old Albus in his mother's lap, and two year old Lily in Harry's lap.

Ron and Lavender were also there with seven year old Rose playing with blocks at her father's feet. Lavender rubbed her heavily pregnant belly uncomfortably as Ron whispered to her in a tight-lipped manner. Draco still wasn't sure why they'd come; neither of them particularly cared about him, Hermione, or their children.

"The doctors took Lyra back for some tests, but that was a little bit ago, so Hermione's nursing her right now," Ginny said, smiling at Scorpius who hugged her.

Draco looked away from them to Harry and Ginny and nodded, letting her know he was listening.

"Congratulations on the new addition, mate," Harry patted Draco on the back and smiled at him.

"Thanks, yeah. I'll go take this lad to go see his new baby sister."


"Do you like her?" Hermione whispered to Scorpius as the baby girl squirmed in her arms.

Scorpius nodded, his eyes lighting up as Draco placed Lyra in his lap. "Hold her head, okay? This is Lyra Selene Malfoy, your baby sister. You're gonna protect her, yes?" He asked.

Scorpius giggled and nodded his head. "I love you, baby Lyra."

Lyra cooed in response, causing the over-joyed family to laugh and cry at the same time as their little miracle baby continued to make noise.


Eleven years later

In the gloomy atmosphere of the Malfoy Manor, Hermione whispered silently to her husband, "Tomorrow starts a new day for Lyra."

Draco smiled, relishing in the fact that their youngest child was now old enough to go to school at Hogwarts.

It seemed like it was only yesterday that she had been born, all pink, new, and wriggly. And now she just had had her eleventh birthday.

"Mum," Scorpius whispered from the open doorway of the dining hall. "Lyra can't sleep. She's asking for you."

Hermione sighed, kissed her husband on the cheek, and hugged her son.

"You're seventeen now. You must help your sister tomorrow at school," Draco said to his son, who in turn nodded.

Down the hall and up the stairs, Hermione entered into her daughter's room, basking in the pinks and purples that adorned the younger's room.

"Lyra," she whispered. She snuck into the bed where Lyra was silently crying.

"Mummy, I don't want to go! Please tell McGonagall that I don't want to come. Please," Lyra begged as she wiped her tears and her silver eyes met her mother's brown ones.

Under the Wand: Dramione fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now