Chapter 1: Blooming Love

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My name is Ayaka Amamiya, 27 years old and obsessed with anime. Like really obsessed. Slightly psychotic at that, and a genius to top it off. I've made 17 therapists quit their jobs this past year, big surprise, it's only February. I'm considered the most beautiful girl in my school, supposedly the most beautiful in Japan, but I don't care for petty social rankings. I tire of the world, I want to escape. Leave the confines of 2023 reality and escape somewhere far away where life's more interesting. Every night I close my eyes and pray I'll be taken far away.

My eyes flutter open. It's dark out. The moon glimmers in the sky and the stars shimmer. Where...? It feels too real to be a dream. I feel a cold presence behind me and I turn around with a calculating glare. He has red eyes and black hair, a gold embroidered black suit and a black rimmed hat. Muzan Kibutsuji.

"It appears I have easy prey tonight," chides the demon condescendingly with a sickening smile, ready to kill me but enjoying my plight, "are you afraid yet?"

I simply look at him nonchalantly and say, "no."

"Why don't you fear me little girl? Are you not afraid of death?" He asks with a toying voice, messing with his prey even though he'll kill me all the same.

"I expect death. We all die," I say tauntingly, looking him in the eyes with an unwavering gaze, "even you, Kibutsuji."

"Who are you?" Hisses Muzan, his pupils slanting viciously, "do you think yourself above me? How do you know me?"

"I am nothing compared to you," I say calmly, "of course you could kill me, but you don't. Why is that Kibutsuji? Could it be that you fear me?"

"I don't fear anyone," Muzan says in frustration, "stop evading my questions."

"My name is Ayaka Amamiya," I say courteously, bowing my head. My long black hair waves in the wind, and I hold down my red spider lilies that lace my hair. My ornate spider Lily patterned kimono flutters in the wind and I look back up to him with a cold gaze, "and I'm useful to you. I wouldn't stop you if you wished to kill me, but that would be suicidal. I know how you die. I know the whole chess board. You only know your side."

"Don't push your luck," Muzan yells, digging his clawed hand into my shoulder as blood trickles from the wound, "bow down if you wish to serve me and fall if you wish to die." I look to him unfazed, and his eyebrow twitches slightly at how unaffected I am. I don't so much as wince. I kneel to the ground and bow, a light smirk playing at my lips.

"So you've chosen servitude," Muzan tells me with a victorious grin, "then you shall serve me as a demon, Ayaka."

It's my turn to look to him with a smirk, "Survival instinct. I choose the option where I'd live. I'd rather maintain my humanity."

"Why you!" Yells Muzan, clearly enraged by my disrespect. He grabs me by my hair and glares at me with rage in his eyes. His nails dig into my scalp, but I simply smile patiently at him, "I'll kill you."

"Go ahead," I say, trying to hide my smirk, but I fumble and start laughing. Muzan looks furious, because he can't kill me, and he knows I know it. My shoulder's still bleeding, and my head is throbbing, but I know I've won. He looks pissed, but it's not as if he's lost much. He's gained an alley, like it or not.

"Fine," Muzan grunts, "have it your way, Ayaka."

"Oh, that's no reward," I say, "I would've had it my way regardless. Keep lying to yourself Kibutsuji. Don't flatter yourself too much." I turn to leave, picking up my large embroidered floral drawstring bag off the bag, dusting dirt off it. Before I can leave, Muzan pulls me backwards.

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