Chapter 3: Asakusa

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"Ayaka, can you help me with something?" Asks Muzan, brushing a bit of hair out of my eye.

"Ah, yes, of course," I reply with a smile, "what is it, Muzan?" We're on a mutual first name basis now.

"I need you to play the role of my wife in Asakusa, in order to push away suspicion," he says as it it's an ordinary task, "would that be alright with you?" My face flushes a deep hue of red, even though I remember this from the story. But if it's us.. it's complicated. It's not even completely fake if it's us.

"Oh?" I ask teasingly, "not using Rei I see. And to answer your follow up question, no we are certainly not getting a child for this mission!" It's Muzan's turn to blush.

"I wasn't going to ask you about children!" Yells Muzan, clearly taken aback, "and I don't even know anyone named Rei!" I laugh to myself, but I don't say anything more.

"Alright, I'll do it," I tell Muzan with a grin, "but I need to get ready first." I put up my hair in the traditional style of Asakusa, a tight but elaborate bun. I stick a hair ornament through my hair for good measure and take out all the flowers as to not stand out. To finish it off, I put on a kimono that looks very similar to Tamayo's.

"Ok, you can look again," I singsong, twirling around, "what do you think?"

"You look oddly familiar," Muzan says, trying to place the similarity, "why do I feel like I've seen this before?"

"It's an inspired look," I say, cracking a grin, "of Tamayo. The one who'll kill you."

"What?" Muzan says in fear, "Tamayo, that monster will kill me?" His fist clenches, and he digs his nails into his own hand, causing blood to flow from his wound.

"It's fine, Muzan," I reassure, putting my hands around his, "don't send Susumaru and Yahaba, that will only make things worse."

"You have an uncanny knowledge of future events, did you know that?" Muzan asks dryly, "I'm bringing Susumaru and Yahaba, like it or not. They can help you if it becomes necessary."

"I try," I quip in response with a smile, "we'd best be off now, Muzan."

"I'll teleport us to the train station, we'll meet Susumaru and Yahaba there," Muzan answers, "try to be as normal as possible." He snaps his fingers, and suddenly we're in a crowded train station, past the check in line.

"Oh, we made it just in time!" I exclaim, "the train leaves in one minute!" The two of us get onto the train and make our way to the VIP compartment. Susumaru and Yahaba are already sitting next to each other on one end of the table and there's another booth across from them.

"Greetings, Susumaru, Yahaba," Muzan says with a faked bow, "this is my wife, Ayaka Amamiya."

"Oh, what a pleasure to meet you, Amamiya," Susumaru greets with a bow of her head as Yahaba does the same. The interaction is so staged I can feel my skin crawl. Muzan puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder, that still has scars from his hand, and gives me a small smile.

"The pleasure is all mine," I say with a courteous bow, "you must be Susumaru and Yahaba! Tsukihiko has told me so many wonderful things about you!" I've always been a good actress. And of course I know Muzan's alias and all other information about this world. At some point, he simply stopped giving me details since he knew I'd know anyways.

"Oh, Ayaka, dear, let's have seat," Muzan says with a smile, "the train's about to leave the station to Asakusa." I flush slightly at his words, but I try to hide it. Sure we're acting, but the emotions are real, at least some of them. He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him, and I let myself lie on his shoulder like the first time we met.

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