Chapter 4: The Meeting

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We wake up together, Muzan and I. It's been three months. Aside from Doma and Akaza, nobody knows about me. I choose not to make myself known, it's easier that way. Surprisingly, the story's been progressing as expected, and I haven't intervened much. Yesterday, Rui died fighting Giyuu. That means today.. today is the day Muzan will take on another form and purge all the lower moons, aside from Enmu that is.

"Muzan, where'd you go?" I ask, patting around in the bed, searching for him, "you were just here, weren't you?"

"I have some business to attend to," replies a feminine voice from the desk. I look over to see Muzan's female version putting on gold earrings. If I'm the most beautiful woman in Japan, he's easily in second place.

"Don't look at me like that," snarks Muzan, "I know, I don't look like myself. You probably think I'm ugly in my female form."

"Quite the contrary," I say, sitting next to him do do my eyeliner, "I'm bisexual."

"You're what?" Asks Muzan in confusion. I suppose people wouldn't know that term in ancient Japan 11,000 years ago.

"I'm attracted to men and women," I answer, "as in romantically attracted."

"Oh?" Asks Muzan, and I know I've piqued his interest, "so you like me like this?" I flush at his question. He's gorgeous, there's no denying it.

"Yeah," I mumble, looking away.

"Tell me that again," says Muzan, pushing my chin up to face him, "repeat that."

"Y-yeah I like you!" I shout, "idiot.." Muzan simply laughs and leaves the room, grinning. Little does he know, I'm following him. I traipse through the bamboo paths, close behind him. I'm dressed in an ornate red kimono with my hair down. Muzan told me it looked best on me. There's someone I want to save today. Mukago, lower four. She may have been a coward, but she was loyal, and a far sweeter and more tolerable character than the other rush and foolish lower moons. That and I used to have a crush on her. I don't really feel anything towards her anymore, but I'd like to be her friend. I've never experienced friendship. Sociopath's are that way. Muzan walks faster, so I run to follow him.

"Nakime!" Shouts Muzan, "bring me the lower moons!" With that, all six lower moons appear on the tatami mat before him.

"Who are you?" Ask lower 6. What a fool. Muzan slices off his head faster than he can finish his question.

"M-master," lower three barely manages to squeak out, "w-what are you doing?" Fool.

"How dare you question me?" Shouts Muzan, enraged, "Rui has fallen. The lower moons are growing weak. I'm dismantling the lower ranks." The remaining three tremble before him, their fear palpable and their eyes afraid. No, only two of them. Lower two and four. Lower one simply grins like the Cheshire Cat, a frightening and sadistic grin. Lower two tries to run away, but Muzan drags him back and crushes his skull. Next is Mukago.

"Master," she cowers, barely bringing herself to speak, "are you going to kill us as well?"

"Silence!" He shouts, "your impudence is so frustrating. I'll kill-" he's about to kill her but I step out of the shadows and stand in front of her.

"Don't do it," I tell him, glaring straight into his eyes, "she might be a coward, but she's useful." Mukago looks up at me with hopeful eyes, red and sparkling.

"Oh my, who ever is this woman?" Asks Enmu in a sickly drawl, "she appears human."

"Ayaka," Muzan sighs, about to reason with her.

"Don't you 'Ayaka' me!" I shout with a huff, "I'm not falling for that. I'm telling you not to kill her. Give me that one thing."

"I gave you 8,801,740,000 yen of beer that you couldn't even finish," Muzan replies dryly, looking at me in amusement, "or did that not count?"

"That was different," I sigh in exasperation, "you offered. It's not like I told you to buy me the most expensive Tequila."

"Oh really?" Muzan answers, caulking his head, "was it not you who suggested a tavern instead of just getting ramen?" I look away, because I know he's right.

"Fine, I won't kill her," Muzan says finally, "you owe me, Ayaka."

"I still owe you for the beer," I reply coldly, averting his gaze again, "or did that not count?" He raises his eyebrow at how I mocked what he said, but simply sighs.

"Just take Mukago and leave," Muzan says after a moment of contemplation, "I have unfinished business."

"I thought you'd never ask," I reply, smirking, "let's go." I pull Mukago out of the room with me, grinning happily.

"Why did you save me?" Asks Mukago fearfully, "I'm a coward."

"Because I think you're a nice person," Ayaka laughs, smiling at Mukago, "and you deserve a chance to live without the pressure and responsibility of being a lower moon."

"Th-thank you," whispers Mukago, "who are you? You're very pretty."

"My name is Ayaka Amamiya," I reply with a light smile, "I'm Muzan's wife."

"R-really?" Asks Mukago in shock, "I'm sorry I haven't showed you enough respect!"

"It's fine, Mukago," I say, "I don't deserve your respect."

A/N: Mukago actually does like Ayaka romantically, but is to fearful to say anything. Also, sorry not sorry EnmuxMuzan shippers.

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